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A member registered May 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Couldn't get past the deploy screen, "next" and "back" buttons don't seem to do anything. Tried in Chrome and Firefox.

Running Seedship through Firefox on Iphone has the same problem. But even if it didn't, that wouldn't achieve the goal of maximizing the number of people who can try a given Twine experience. Insisting that users use a non-standard browser to view the twine would be better than insisting that users use a pc instead of a mobile device, but would not be as effective as "it just works". It may seem like a minor point, but from my experience I would expect significantly more views from users on mobile devices than on pc.

Given that Seedship works just fine on another site, and is only composed of text, is there a setting or twine format that makes it work?

I cannot find any twine game on that seems to work through the Safari browser on Iphone.

For example, the game "Seedship" works in Safari on Iphone at this location:

But it is not playable at this location (because it is not possible to scroll the view down far enough to select all the choices):

Is there a working example of a twine game on that does run through a mobile browser? It seems like it should work, at least for stories of pure text?

Sorry, just to clarify - it is possible to have both a "Play in browser", free version on the main page, and also a "Play in browser", paid version accessible only if purchased? Could you link to an example game that does this?

Does the paid version appear embedded on the download page for example?

Would it be possible to embed the demo version of a html game on the main page, with a full version on the download page?

That way players wouldn't have to unzip or install anything after paying, they could just play it straight away and then bookmark it for later.

Would work for games that run on mobile browsers as well as desktop?

Ok, thanks, just wanted to confirm that was the case.
"you might give buyers the opportunity to have a character in your game named after them, but you only have a dozen slots. You can create a reward and set the quantity to how many slots you have. Once the reward is sold out it can not be purchased anymore. You're free to adjust the quantity remaining if you discover you can support more.

The reward editor lets you specify a custom field to collect from the buyer, you can use this to collect the name the buyer wants to use."

Just to confirm, this means that you could take that custom field data and manually add it into your game, then update your game, which would then become available to everyone who downloaded it from then on? So everybody would then see that character name?

Is it possible to have it so that the buyer can purchase a customisation for their game alone? For example, they could perhaps name the main character in the game, and whenever they download the game, the main character would have that name. But for everybody else who downloads it the main character would have a default name, or - if another player had purchased that tier, then they would see the name that they had selected?

I suppose the reward option could be unlocking the ability to name the main character whenever they start a new game, although that carries less weight than purchasing just one specific name.

Do the game files have any knowledge of what data was entered into the custom field?