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A member registered Sep 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Amazing job so far! The  concept is really unique, the art is amazing, and the characters are really lovable. So far, Queen B is my favorite but they're all great! I'm excited to play the full game! 

This looks awesome! I'm really excited to play this! The style looks fantastic and I'm so glad you considered different genders, races, bodies, etc. Story sounds intriguing too! Wishing you luck in your development process and eagerly awaiting the demo release!

1. What did you think overall?

I really, really love it so far! The writing is so humorous and engaging, and I really love Ash's personality. Overall,  I really love the customization options! It really makes you feel like you can be the character, and make the adventure your own! I also love the way Ash and the rest of the characters change depending on the race you pick (my personal favorite is Shika!) The art and soundtrack are really good and overall I just really love the game so far! 

2. Which character are you most excited about romancing?

I'm honestly in love with all of the characters so I'm really excited about romancing all of them! But I think I'm going to go for Raphael first because its so cute the way he takes everything so literally.

3. Did you find any bugs/typos?

I haven't encountered any bugs or noticed any typos

4. What would you like to see most in the full game?

I can't wait to learn more about the Shika in particular since they seem so mysterious, and I hope to learn more about their culture! I also would love to see some good ol banter and friendship between the party because its a weakness of mine (example: Dragon Age and Fire Emblem! Those games did such a good job with developing friendships and relationships between companions and I loved it~)

5. Other comments or suggestions?

Honestly, the game is amazing already so I don't have too many suggestions, but maybe for the part where you pick the food choices provide a little bit of a description or name of the food? Because some of them I could tell what it was but others weren't as clear. Not a big deal though since its not a big part of the game/story. Amazing job so far, can't wait for the full game! Thanks for making this and sharing it! <3

6. Would you want an in game jukebox for the soundtrack?

In game jukebox sounds like a cool feature, so yeah! But if it's a lot of extra work to implement its not really needed so don't worry about it too much!

I loved this so far! The story is very intriguing, and all of the characters bring such a unique flair to the story. I love Kikka so far, and I hope to learn more about the guide in the full game! I also really like the quick-time events. They add the perfect touch of urgency and feeling of engaging decision-making. The art is absolutely gorgeous (kudos to your illustrator!), and the overall style makes for such an eerie yet engaging ambiance. Also the soundtrack is very well done and suits the overall mood very well. 

One criticism I do have is the voice acting does sound a little strange at time (can't lie, I found Bemelle's "Damn" to be a little too watered down, among some other lines), but the voice actors clearly do have a lot of talent and I can't wait to hear the rest! Wonderful job so far! I'm excited to follow this development.  <3

I loved the demo! January is my favorite so far, and I love the Seer's personality and design. The game is really beautifully drawn and I can't wait for the full game to come out! Definitely plan on supporting the game on kickstarter too. :)