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A member registered Jun 19, 2020

Recent community posts

I cant wait to get it. Thank you for the game

loved it! I have a few questions: why does it have another name in Google Play? Help Zombies is a best name, I guess. Why does it have only 50+ downloads? This game is amazing 

I wish I could draw like you, so I could make my dream game. Any tips on drawing??

What a cool, good looking and fun game! Didn't play it, but the demo is amazing. When will it be completely done??

Hahaha. Sou burro. Está escrito. Desculpe :)

Obrigado Ansimuz. Está em 32x32? Gostei bastante.

Hey! This is a really simple game, but honestly I had some fun. It's a hard game lol! I managed to survive only til 42 seconds at most. I guess Im a noob lol. Anyways, I like the idea.I just think you should add some themed cannons, like disco club, background and music. I like overall. good job and thank you for sharing.

Oi! Você fala em português? Vamos nos ajudar?

Hi! Do you speak Portuguese? Let's help each other out?

Maybe time travel?

You're great! Thank you for that.

The FUN Button community · Created a new topic Cool idea

Hey, I like the idea! But, unfortunately, I'm sure I cannot make a game in only two days, so my question: am I allowed to post it after the due date?

Even if the answer is no, I'll probably make the game anyway, probably without posting.

Thank you so much for the Jam

Uma pena. Mas obrigado mesmo assim por sua resposta :)

Gostei do seu trabalho. Faz personagens por encomenda?

I honestly think you are the best! Thank you so much

Cara, acabei de descobrir, na sua página, que você é brasileiro. Legal! Eu tbm sou. Estou querendo fazer um jogo que se passa em uma cidade e com pelo menos 50 personagens humanos diferentes. Você faz serviço por encomenda? Grato demais pela resposta.

Do you do any custom work? Loved your work

thank goodness! Lol. Thank you for the response. By the way, I like your work very much

I pressed "claim" but I'm not sure what happened. It says that I "own" this pack. Did I do something wrong? I mean, it's still yours, right??

I like it!!!! Great work. Beautifully done

I saw them and also loved! I might buy them, buy I need rooms. I'm working on a game that is settled on city where the characters go in and out of the rooms, that's why I need rooms. I guess 20 rooms (such as bakery, hotel rooms, town hall, places of city in general) would do the job. Any chance of you making these scenes??

Thanks a lot for your fast response. That's too bad you don't have it. Do you have any more works themed like this Clean City? It can be 32 as well!

For example, I want to buy rooms for each single building in this city

Wow! I just loved this work. LOVED IT. Do you have any more assets with this exact theme? I wish I could buy this Clean City and characters and plenty of rooms with this theme.