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A member registered Jan 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game is super fun with the gravity mechanics. I'm really excited to see where this goes. Only 2 things I want coming out of the proto is a toggle for the shift+F gravity switch to be F and vice versa, I tended to use the shift one more, and for the sniper to be added!! I want to hit a spherical 360 no scope, none of that COD horizontal 360 I could hit that either...XD

I love the concept of the game, dancing to get more upgrades is so interesting. Pecs bouncing  be amazing XD. Music is catchy. Movement is super slidey though and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but makes moving through the world and shooting more difficult. Also sometimes the same dance move would be repeated, probably a simple check like if lastDanceMove = "Orange Justice" and newDanceMove = "Orange Justice" > don't do that dance move; would do the trick. Overall I'm excited to see where this game gets taken and the prototype gave a good idea of how you will play it.

Man for a prototype this game is great! The controllers are good, movement feels nice although having a bit of a slow down after letting go of WASD makes it a little harder to stay on a platform. Dashing looks amazing. Also really good music and art style .Overall really great so far and can't wait to see what it turns into!

I probably could've been more specific on what to do there😅