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A member registered Nov 27, 2023

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(2 edits)

Would you rather have a better recording of the real hardware (100% accurate) or an accurate recreation? (would sound a tiny bit different but the quality would be even better) if you don't know I can send both propositions. Simply tell me how I can send you the sound files. By email?

Hello, no problem, I actually own Diamond Hunt so I could also provide higher sound recording quality if you are interessted. I've ordrered a new Game & Watch that is not on Retrofab, it's called Donkey Angler, it's single screen tough. I'm willing to help if you are interessted by providing pictures, full gameplay with clear explanaitions and all of the sounds effects as soon as I receive the Game & Watch!

Tested it, feels like the original! Snakes no longer kill you in the grotto and you can hold the direction while jumping to instantly go once you're back on the ground !The only thing yet to fix is that you can fall in the water by pressing left too many times while in the real game the character won't go further (automatically stops at the edge). Thank you for the quick fix and preserving with accuracy these electronic games, it's awesome!

So I previously mentionned that when you jump, if you are holding a direction (right or left) while doing the jump, the character will automatically go to the held on direction as soon as he gets back to the ground on real hardware while on the simulation he doesn't move unless you manually press the button again, and I also mentionned the fact that snakes could kill you while you are in the grotto which is not possible in the real game!

I NOTICED A NEW INACCURACY : on the simulation you can fall in the water by pressing left too much, I noticed it was rly hard to not press too much times left without falling in the water compared to the original, and the reason is that you CAN NOT fall in the water on the real hardware because the character stops automatically preventing you from going further and falling into the water. You will only fall in the water if you do not let go of the vine at the right time (too soon or too late). I believe there is nothing else to fix for the simulation to be 100% accurate! Great job once again!

On Diamonds Hunt, on real hardware, when you hold right or left while jumping, the character will go to the held on direction at the very moment he lands back, in your simulation, he doesn't move at all after landing back unless you press a direction again.

Also, in the grotto, I noticed the snake can kill you, which is not possible on real hardware while you are in the grotto.

Would it be possible to fix these inaccuracies?
Thanks for your amazing work by the way!

Very well replicated but there is one problem : in Diamonds Hunt (and probably other platformers) when you hold right or left while jumping, on the real device, the player character goes in the held down direction as soon as it touches the ground! But instead on your simulation, the character doesn't move when you hold a direction when jumping, so you have to press as soon as your character touches the ground instead of just holding and this makes you lose a little bit of time each times! It would be cool if you could change that so it's more accurate to the original gameplay! ;)