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A member registered Jun 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thanks for your feedback!

We tried as much as hard we can =) Lots of undone, lots of not done well, lots of done not till the end, we know.

Bcs we have spent 1st day for concept of something not obvious for the theme, and there were some thouhts to skip tht jam, but suddenly...

So we had only 2nd day for work, and everything you see is a single-day-game without any sleep for two days =)

Glad you enjoyed the art, it was the strongest side we had for the jam! Btw there are few outro screens too.

Sequence of buttons for victory you can find in the green 'i' button.

Great idea. Some polish and a bit art for it would be a good game!

Loved the story text on the background with explanations=)

very creatively. Nice one) charming music=)

(1 edit)

Thats similar to our idea of out of contol game=) loved it. Buuuuutoooooons!

Yeah, the character really got out of my control =| I lost the game=)

I.....must...destroy!!!=) Funny=)

nice game. Loved it

(2 edits)

Updated version without bugs here:

Please use the updated version if you want to win the game to see the final art ^^.