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A member registered Dec 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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hell yeah just downloaded this, gonna check it out later. audacity's default spectrogram colour scheme is beyond awesome, very excited to see someone has decided to leverage its sheer aesthetic under time pressure

(2 edits)

Thanks, I hope the atmosphere cultivates a bit of zen, like five finger fillet does.

Mouse was considered, but cut due to time pressure! Deterministic physics and simpler controls took precedence.
If you can tell me exactly what you have in mind for how the mouse controls the ball, I'll add it to the post-jam update.

Thank you! Feel free to use the shader for whatever.
You can get the font here:

(1 edit)

Sorry about that! I wanted to eat my cake and have it. One the one hand, the English back-translation was important. On the other, I wanted to avoid adding visual noise that might distract from the gameplay. I probably went too far in a few places.

After voting has completed, I'll upload a fixed version with more instructions, quieter audio, and an option for high-contrast, dyslexia-friendly text.

If you can't wait, you can find the full text (and then some!) inside the text/ folder of the archive.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!
I'll grant you the mix is pretty off, I probably should have taken the ten minutes to add a compressor. Live and learn!

This paper was pretty important for doing the shakiness robustly: