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Walter Sweetheart

A member registered Aug 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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After the end( nice twist, though ) I expected that Adian would replace Noland in the sin circle, but nothing has changed. Btw, awesome sound design and art style, really enjoyed playing the game.

Heh, after did come good thoughts …

  1. Sound design isn’t second thing, I’m agree. Will work more with it in my next games.
  2. Indeed, I though that the game is well explained by itself, like a tetris, and it made me think that any tutorial is pointless. My bad.
  3. They was to be in the release version, but algorithm of suffling wouldn’t work correctly, so we kept our first one - test a random suffled board for correcness, else swap first decreasing pair.
  4. Yeah, there was that though, but wouldn’t implement it.

Thanks. Maybe in a part two I’ll add more levels and mechanics.