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A member registered Jan 20, 2024

Recent community posts

Changing it to something like “Free play” would make it less confusing i think.

Also just because a planet is unhappy doesn’t mean you have to satisfy it.

It requires a nuclear capsule now I think.

You can add custom resolutions. I don't remember how to do it but the help menu ingame has instructions. Hopefully this will fix your problem.

Once you start working a new build (update) you can't just release a single part of it without releasing the whole thing. That is unless you want to make an entirely new build just to fix that one thing. Usually this isn't a problem and they do it but we are talking about just one person programming and not a team. Not to mention the immense amount of pressure the community was pushing on him. Also the minor bugs weren't fixed immediately because they weren't a big deal. Oh and one more thing, you're a fucking prick.

What do you mean by that? If you meant the 0.7 update then this is the version you're looking for. But if you meant the full release of the game: I wouldn't wait that long since it will probably be many years and will look and feel a whole lot different. 

Mannequin hats

Go to the ingame help menu. It has all of that information.

The reason you feel like this is because you’re just used to the old base. I went through the same phase but eventually got over it. It’s written into our psychology to be resistant or afraid of change so just keep playing and you’ll see how much of an improvement the new base is.

(1 edit)

The game is still in pre-alpha so only time can tell.

How did this get so controversial so fast

I recommend trying the reset menu a few times and seeing if that works because usually when the ATV goes missing it will respawn it in the garage and tell you through an error message. Otherwise I can’t help you with this one.

Я понимаю вашу точку зрения: лучше было бы просто использовать общий язык, но использование переводчика каждый раз, когда вы просто хотите оставить комментарий, очень раздражает. Я думаю, люди были бы счастливее, если бы они использовали свой родной язык и, при необходимости, пользовались бы переводчиком для комментариев, которые они не могут понять, если бы захотели.

Что касается людей, которых эта идея оскорбляет; Я считаю, что это происходит только тогда, когда человек, предлагающий это, формулирует что-то неправильно до такой степени, что другие воспринимают это как оскорбительное. Либо так, либо человек идиот. Поэтому я не думаю, что люди на самом деле оскорблены этой идеей.

Кстати, если некоторые части этого не работают, то это потому, что я англичанин и использовал Google Translate, чтобы написать это.

Food fatigue isn't that harsh if you make sure to not buy the same types of food or just buy shrimp

Next time you make a joke, make sure it’s funny.

That’s when the discord post was made. He updates it so the picture is up to date with what he’s made so far.

The computer still works if the power is out

I do not believe so

The message comes off as blunt probably because it's supposed to. After constant comments and spam riding his ass about an update in progress he probably got a bit angry and wrote that message. A message that wasn't wrote in the correct state of mind. He's only human so stop being a dick to the dev that we all love.