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A member registered May 01, 2022

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What's in the new update?

Yup, sign me up for testing. 

Decent proof of concept but it only has 20 minutes of gameplay at the moment with essentially none of it being replayable. Still, I think it's a really good start to the project. 

I have also just realised that if you have the second outfit (the bikini) your boobs shrink for the "Bottle Service" pose. I think the belly stays the right size. Hard to say. 

After some testing it seems like it's just the lounge that doesn't let you load the game for some reason. 

Playing the new 0.02a patch and seems like the extend drink is no longer resetting in price. Not sure if that's intentional but the speal at the beginning still says it's meant to reset. 

Additionally the save function doesn't seem to be working, but admittedly I didn't test it on 0.02 so I can't say if that's a new bug or not. 

Finally! It only took 14 attempts at downloading the game but it's finally not corrupted! Let's hope the game doesn't crash on me now...

It's a lot of fun, I just wish there was a way to fullscreen things. 

Select "Your name"'s cup, then select "wait at table" then click the poster. 

Now that campaign is up and running, I'm won dering if it's possible to implement a way to save the current campaign and come back to it. Not sure how hard that is, but now I feel comitted to really exploring the campaign that feels like a nice feature to have. 

(1 edit)

I've only played a bit of the new patch but so far everything seems to be working great. I  can buy things on the bottom row of the shop. The UI update looks amazing and I've not encountered any bugs so far, but I've only played a couple of rounds.

So here is my feedback.

Firstly, I'd say you should add some content where Steph isn't just about to pop. It's nice, but progression is nicer. Perhaps even if it was just one screen with Steph rapidly progressing and you just changed the belly. 

The little puzzles weren't too bad, and I liked them. Not sure how you'd make them better, but I wouldn't mix it up too much.

The art was the real draw for me, so any excuse to see more of it would be great. 

Great game, if a bit easy if you're familiar with the genre. I like the fact you can aim the sword with your mouse. The sprites are all ccute, and while the story is threadbare it doesn't need to be anything else. 

There is. You click the bell

Second room down the middle path is blocked by a tree.

(1 edit)

You can't leave this version of the numbers tileset. The log is blocking the way out. It's on the left pathway. If thaat matters.

Ok I've decided to start a new message for these bugs because I don't want Pencil-fish to get a tonne of notifications. 

The event with the pregnant lady in a cloak, when you pray to her the dialogue implies that you are transfered some of her pregnancy but the images don't update to reflect that.

Further Bug posting. 

If you're defeated on turn 1 by the Soul Collecter (or maybe just at all) you get stuck in an infinite loop of text replaying the ending over and over.

(3 edits)

Can confirm, I have the same bug with the skeleton, and I also think this is a great game.

However I seem to crash in the fight after the skeleton. Might be upgrading cards that does it.
Edit: No idea what's causing it. Perhaps it's the wips fight but the game just crashes. (Green wisp with a skull on it)

Is there any way to save this game?

I had a good time, and don't have too much to add. However, perhaps a minor bug fix note is that the darkness that hides the first big room on the bottom right doesn't go away until you're right on top of it, unlike other rooms where touching it with the edge of your light is good enough.

Is it intentional that you can't save?

Eh not sure where to put this but I found a bug with the new campaign. I can't see the "buy" button on the bottom row of items. Additionally, either I can't see this button either or the game lacks a save feature and that would be really nice. Otherwise, love the new update and the fact I feel campaign is more interesting is great.

This picture below is the entire screen for me

This is entirely a guess on my part, but I think it's a reasonable assumption.

From what we've seen, I think the payment companies started to put some pressure on Itch to stop supporting adult content. Itch then looked over their adult games market, saw how much money they were making from it, and decided that it wasn't worth trying to hold onto that money compared to the risk of losing the payment companies support for the rest of the website. 

Now perhaps some of this is due to revenue sharing issues, and that adult games proportionally didn't assign a good split on revenue... but I think it's most likely that they just don't get much revenue from them at all compared to the SFW stuff and the team didn't think they could fight Paypal or whoever was doing the pressuring on the issue for such little money. 

Some people have pointed out that Steam still does adult games stuff, but I counter that with the fact that steam is more than large enough to just laugh in those companies faces if they tried to pressure Valve on the matter. The amount of backlash those payments companies would recieve if Valve was set against them is pretty large, and not worht the risk for them.

Perhaps I'm wrong but this is my take.

Hello, this is both feedback and suggestions. Though just know that the game as is, has been very enjoyable and I'm always happy to jump back in for a few rounds. This changes are in order of important and are mostly quality of life things. Sure more content would be great, but others have suggested that.

1. A way to view deck: More specifically, I want a button that lets me check me whole deck, or depending on how it works, what cards are still in my "draw" pile. A discard pile might be nice as well, but it's less important.

2. New art for the "spell" cards: It doesn't need to be good, or even that different. Just something to diferentiate them. All the preds are unique and clear, the prey are the same. However, the "spell" cards all look the same and I have to read them to remember what they are. Even if it's super basic, like an acid drop for digestion strength, some purple rings for hypnosis. 

3. More of a note but... certain predators actually get weaker when upgraded if you take the random pred option. Mobi Cat, and Cristina are the two major ones just from memory. Not sure what can really be done about this, but it is annoying when it happens. 

4. A way to "win" and a counter for it or a high score board to keep track of our scores.

How do you even start this game

Yeah I can't seem to get it to work either. I'm just using vanilla chrome, so if someone can let us know what's going on with that, I'd be thankful

Thanks a bunch. I think I've got the belt equiped. I didn't really read what it did, just saw the higher numbers and the fact that it auto-equipped when I "optimised" my item build. Thanks for the info!

So, I'm trying to do the jewelry store side quest, and despite the "v" above the "enemies" in the back room I can't seem to vore them. Is there a reason for this? I'm doing this right after the Bandit quest, so perhaps Amber doesn't want to vore anything right now, but I feel like I'm missing content doing it in this order. 


Yeah, I managed to find the shop after a while. What's the rest action though?

Perhaps I've missed something but I cannot figure out how to restore HP.

Once again. Thank you very much for the help

Cool thanks. Is there anywhere I can find information on how to mess with it? A wiki/information page?

What is the constants mod?