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vitriolic virtuoso

A member registered Feb 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

So I launch the TalesOfAndrogyny or the jar with terminal? I'm not quite sure how thats done..sorry for the trouble. Also when I tried to open with others, I tried to go for the terminal but it's grayed out.

Sorry, this is kind of awkward, but which one do i run? the TalesOfAndrogyny in MacOS folder is a .txt file, I can only open it but only a page of weird symbols would show.

(1 edit)

Ah actually, after downloading a few more times, I got something in the resources. Just as you said, I got a config.json, jre, and TaleOfAndrogyny.jar. However, I'm not so sure how to run it (i opened it and it gave me a folder, there are files for the games, but no launcher).

After downloading the pre-alpha on mac, I found that starting the game to be quite puzzling. I do not see an application I can click on or any remotely recognizable ways to begin. Since the game is downloaded as a .rar, I used the unarchiver and got a folder named Tales of Androgyny Mac v0.1.15.1. Inside, there is a .txt named Changelog and a folder called contents. Inside contents, there is the .plist called info, and 2 other folders one named MacOS the other named Resources. (Resources had nothing) By going into the MacOS folder, I can only see a textedit document called TalesofAndrogyny... To sum it up, I can't find the game despite going through these steps, Is there something I did wrong, or is this a occurring bug for mac? Please help.