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A member registered Mar 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks man! I have been learning 3D animation after this game.  Im going to make a 3D action game, hopefully I can release a Demo version next year

Thanks and Nice!

Looking  forward to your game as well.

Thanks for the comment!

My idea is the movement speed slightly change from slow to fast and confuse players which color should they switch to. 

The goal is to see how many floors players can pass under the weird situation and restricted time.

Players fall through the floor when the error is over 15 on the bottom left. Error increases when players don't match the right color of dot or floor.

Sorry for my broken idea lol.

Thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the bug!

Moving in mid-air was the mechanics i removed to lol. I tried to implement other mechanics but i didn't make it :(

Thanks for the comment, and sorry for the confusion!

I didn't complete some game mechanics on time.

Amazing game!

love the art and concept!

Thanks for your replaying and suggestion!
We will keep improving our game every week, hope you can play latest version soon!

Can you build one for MacOS? Sorry, im mac user.. but im interested in your game!


we uploaded a launcher for windows, check it out.

Hi! Thanks for feedback!

I did the cutscene with separate sprites and put them into Unity game engine. It was my first time to create animation and I dont know is it correct or not lol.

I found your website and it is amazing! Trying to play games you made now.

Basically, this game is keep players running and slash all enemies in front! 

If it is possible, please leave some feedback, I would like to improve my next game based on your feedback.


I’m a beginner in learning game development, I spent around 10 weeks on art design, animation and background music, and this is the result.

I hope game music doesn’t hurt your ears...

Story is not the point in my game, but the basic idea is players escort a princess to somewhere. Dialogues might be awkward because im learning English as well.
