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Victris Games

A member registered Nov 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes, but you need to set the physics time to 0.  I think it is called "Word  Time Scale" and it requires you to pick at least 1 object that has the physics behavior.  Good luck!

Neat game! Sadly, after fixing the root drive, I went down back towards the bridge and got a code error...




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_scripted_events:

Unable to find instance for object index 100276

at gml_Script_anon_DEP_E_Dialogue_gml_GlobalScript_DEP_E_Dialogue_705_DEP_E_Dialogue_gml_GlobalScript_DEP_E_Dialogue


gml_Script_anon_DEP_E_Dialogue_gml_GlobalScript_DEP_E_Dialogue_705_DEP_E_Dialogue_gml_GlobalScript_DEP_E_Dialogue (line -1)


In this game I'm using the "Separate two objects", but it has some limitations (which instance is pushed is based on the order the objects were created).  I sometimes use the Physics extension (with gravity set to 0) just to prevent things from overlapping or running through walls.

The dungeon example on this game looks good, but the controls are frustrating. I suggest this:

Move forward/backward:  Up/Down arrows or W/S keys

Move sideways:  Left/Right arrows or A/D keys

Look around: Mouse

Wow, I never thought I would wake up to find that someone enjoyed playing my WIP builds of Slime Dunk!  This motivates me to come back to this game; I want to get it published on Steam.

BTW - Thanks for the wonderful and in-depth review on GDevelop!  It truly is an undiscovered gem that many people would benefit from if they only knew they could create games without learning a programming language.

What license is used for these assets?

This was fun.  I really want to make a sheep herding game; perhaps with boids and maybe even with multiplayer. 

@elcanogames I almost have this change approved; it should be ready in a few days:

Yes, I think we could add that feature.   I'll try to find some time to work on it.  Thanks for the great feedback!

You are very welcome!   I hope you have also seen the brand new (so new the paint is still wet) Multitouch Joystick Extension that I just created?  It makes it dead simple to use joysticks like this.

I found this game after it was promoted by GDevelop.  If you want, share your project files with me and I will see if there is some simple fix. 

If we can get this improved, you might get more views if you post it on website. 

(1 edit)

First, I want to let you know this game is fun and quite challenging.  :)

I also noticed this game takes 98% of my CPU.  If you are interested, I can provide assistance in optimizing the performance of your game.

Hahahah!  Thanks for sharing!  You got at least one piece of the crawler over the finish line!   :)  

Yes, this design is very versatile!  Great job! :)

Ugh!  I want to play this game so bad but I am missing something basic... the tutorial said to build an underground base, so I placed 3 rooms and 1 turret.  Now what?  I can see that there is a lot to do, but how do I hit "next turn" or similar?

Hey, now I know you too!  :)  Thanks for the kind words.  I'm trying out your game next...

Neat idea!  You have an interface similar to my game (Colony Crawler) which lets you drag and drop objects onto the screen. Here are some things I decided to do:

  • Don't separate objects while dragging
  • Snap to grid when objects are released

Keep up the great work!

Great ideas!  I reallyly like the idea of adding a drill/cannon that could shoot rocks that were too hard to go over.

And I liked the color changed based on health, I thought it was beautiful.  How did you do that?  Tint, color map, overlay, etc?

Nice job!  There are a few games with this mechanic, but yours feels really great.  I like that you increased friction so things don't slide off too early. 

I also liked the particle effects (great snow!), screen shake, and the rectangle/sine movement.    Oh, and thanks for the shout-out.  :)

Great job! I like the use of color and physics.

For improvement, try reducing the volume level of your sound effects.

I actually made all the art myself, but looking back I should have replaced them with real art assets.  :)

However, I am proud of the sound design.  It is supposed to be minimalistic like you are on a barren planet.  I have some good UI sounds, but I need to add some more clicks and mouse-over sounds.

After getting some feedback about being slow, I have increased wheel speed by 50%.  I also should see if I can make terrain start closer to the build area.

Good ideas!  I am considering more parts, perhaps an "Air Boost" that could be activated.  Do you have any ideas for this?

Thanks for the review! I do love the game Beseige, and I have considered making a destructable world.  It is possible with GDevelop by testing the forces on joints (an expression) and deleting the joint if the force exceeds the value you want. 

Nice job for someone just starting with GDevelop.  My son did a similar upgrade by colorizing the example game.
Keep going and you will get far!  :)

I just noticed you gave credit for the extensions you used.  Thanks! : )

Such a simple game, yet I found myself playing it over and over.  It's juicy and beautiful and apparently addictive.  :)

Cute game!  

This game is so far one of my highest-rated gamed!  I loved the concept, the art, sound effects, and UI.   Lastly, I am SOOO thankful you make the parts snap into place, otherwise, I would be frustrated.  :)

Amazing graphics and smooth movement of player, objects, and UI.  This is very rare!  

For improvement, consider using the mouse wheel to change between tools.  I also never found out how to pick up objects, perhaps make that automatic by being near them?

I can't wait to see what you make next!

I'm glad someone pointed out the music and sound are off by default, I didn't even think there was any audio.  :)

I enjoyed playing the game, but it is hard to know what can be interacted with.  Try adding effects like glow/outline when a mouse is over an interactable object.  Keep up the good work!

Nice game!   If you implement smooth camera movement (especially in the vertical direction) it would feel a lot better to me.  Let me know if you need help implementing that!

Super neat idea for a game!  I like how it combines building and fighting, and of course the speed-based movement mechanic.  The use of bright color particle emitters adds a unique look that is fun.

My one suggestion would be not to adjust time based on mouse movement.  It was disorienting and could cause motion sickness.

It is impossible to connect two instances of the same object, which is why I ended up creating hidden "collider" objects that are behind every frame.  Then I simply connect the collider pieces to the visible pieces, and it appears like the visible pieces are connected.  Cool trick, eh? :)

Thanks for the kind words!  After taking a few days off, I do feel like I can solve some of the remaining bugs and add some more usability improvements. 

I am using weld joints to hold frames together, revolute joints for the "pivot joints" and wheel joints for the wheels. 

I am planning on doing a devlog of the gamejame process, and perhaps a longer tutorial on how to make similar things.  I also might make an extension that welds physics objects together, but I need to do more research on the feasibility of that.