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A member registered Dec 03, 2016

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Just did a video on your game. I posted before about how I play it nearly every day. Still not joking.


Can't wait.

Fantastic! Any timeframe on when that will be? I need more! Haha. :)

(3 edits)

I can't stop playing this. Seriously. If you do something about being able to grab the enemies and basically cheat your way through, at least have an option to keep it. Though cheap, it's incredibly satisfying. But seriously. This is the most satisfying VR experience I've had yet, and I've had a lot of them.

Also, is there any way to skip the "beginner" waves every time I start up the game? I play this a lot and would rather just jump into the action.

And if possible, could you add an option to choose specific weapons to play with? I like the random selection, but an option to play that way as well would be lots of fun.