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Sexy Muh'Fukkah

A member registered Jan 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Don't get me wrong, wonderful game, but this effing thing keeps crashing if you press anything more than a couple times. Hell, even loading it does it.

I spend more time loading the game than playing it. Why....?? Ugh. I hate all games practically and the ones I do like all crash like this. Can this not be fixed? Never had this b4, at least not THIS bad.

Have yet to try this content...but...

Merely an observation...but "Go Whoring" had me near rage laughing...hahaha. You should alter this detail to say instead "Dogging" as it is called, if memory serves.

Oh. Forgot to mention...

IM on an android phone and do not have an option to "change my keyboard hotkey layout" I cannot buy from the one & only store.

IMO I say you need another option for stores(patronizing), items in said store(s) and options to actually be able to buy. 

I got lucky and got drops for what I wanted and I'm only on day one being a user of your game. But I got the whole damn farm up my...prison wallet...and not just the golden horse shoe. As my late fiance always reminded me.

For those not so fortunate, which is virtually non existent to have my obsurd luck, it's a bit of a light slapping of the face, hate to say. I'm not sure if this is a slight overlook, intentional or easy to remedy but I hope it is changed.

Would be cool if she had a change of attitude/heart. Not sure why girls so adamantly calls guys pervs when girls are worse...but it's a cringe factor that'd deter me from using an option in a game. 

I do indulge amongst Femdom content but I don't get that vibe here so hence above said paragraph. Otherwise it'd be commonplace and I'd  only comment finding it odd she didn't act like that.

... Infact, I'm not even sure I'd state that if Femdom content didn't exist in the first place...I'm mostly just mentioning as it's related to the lack there of of buying options. Merely food for thought and personal preference.

FINALLY!!!...a game that doesn't EFFING CRASH YOU EVERY 5 SECONDS...(😄yay)

I have the hardest time finding games I don't hate, either unamused or defeat it in a day/hours. This game is one of the few that keeps me coming...and I mean coming back, not 😉) perv-oh's.

I prefer an overview sandbox but I could overlook it being on the more sexual content virtual novel(VN) side that it is. It gives a feel of monotonous droning that'd ween you off of it. Being frame by frame Still Pic's/GIF's has this affect on me personally.

But I just know ur prob not done...coming back 😉...urself, dear creator. I get this inkling u put alotta hard...I meant heart into it, so I'm sure I've not yet tapped...all content nor is there a line to it's completed contents end, yet....Holy cow it's far too easy for that lil innuendo.... someone shut me up!!

I'm more than likely sticking around...and that is saying a HELL of alot!! I'd recommend your game here, hope you keep at & try making other shit. Wouldn't mind seeing you try your hand at Femdom & Transdom shit!! Wink, wink.

What the heck, it did nothing but download a whole bunch of stuff I don't need and no game in sight. What was the point of that? Good thing I used WiFi to DL it.

It's an idea or request that many more Femdom games would make my day. There's a growing number to those who LOVE that shit...who can make them?