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A member registered Feb 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game is adorable! I love the time travel mechanic, and everything ran smoothly. The only thing that could be tweaked a bit that I noticed is the camera. It's a bit sensitive. Otherwise, I think you all did a fantastic job!

(1 edit)

I love the style of this game! Physical card games are my favorite. I think a video playthrough on tabletop simulator or an IRL playthrough would have been helpful to see. Porting cards into tabletop sim takes some work, but it's not too bad! And having a video tutorial would be very engaging!

This game is awesome! I love the message, and I enjoyed the simple gameplay. The art style is a really interesting mix of realism and pixel art. I would possibly update the UI text boxes in the future to reflect more of an ocean vibe, but they serve their purpose for now! Overall, I think you did a great job getting your message and the theme of "change the story" across. Great job!

This game turned out really nice! I actually rated this one's earlier iterations, and I'm really impressed with how far it's come. The art is super cute! One of the main things I took notice of as a potential fix was that there was no way for the player to stop moving (at least for me). This made it quite difficult to trim and plant coral. Aside from that, the added tutorials/instructions were great! I think they should be even more obvious though - small white text is easy to miss.

Hi there! First off, great job on Waste Not so far! It's looking great. I had a bit of an issue with selecting the trash/recycle squares and moving them though -- often I would pick up more than one and that made it a bit difficult to sort them at times. I really like the message of the game, and the simple and clean art style looks awesome! Best of luck on the rest of this sprint!

Hi there! First of all, Coral Gardens is looking great so far! I love the main character and their animations, and the coral looks great! The music is also fantastic and complements the cozy environment nicely.  The only thing is that there isn't much to do aside from waiting for the coral to grow. Adding some additional tasks would make that time go by much faster. Adding some more textures and assets will also flesh out the environment a lot! Best of luck on the final sprint this week!

I think Frogology is looking  great so far! I also had a bit of an issue with the mouse sensitivity being a bit too high, but I think everything else looks lovely! The low-poly art style is super cute, and the game itself is fun! Great job so far--can't wait to see it polished!

The style of this game is so nice! I love pixel art, and the environment and animations look super clean. It's also a fairly playable prototype which is awesome. I love the UI and text boxes. I would only suggest making the initial story blurb skippable (or just making it go a bit faster - I tend to be impatient haha). Good job!

So I really like the idea, and I'm super excited to see art implemented in your game. Since your programmer was gone this week, I totally understand the lack of a comprehensive prototype. I'm excited to see what this evolves into over the next sprint! Good job ^^

Hi there! Your game is looking very cute so far - I love the pixel art style. I would work on adding some pixel art textures to the environment so that it looks more cohesive, but the bare bones looks good! I know that most of the features aren't implemented yet, so I'm excited to see how it looks after the production sprint! Good job ^^

I love how cat games can make their way into any game jam—I always love them!! I think your idea Is very cute and interesting—who wouldn’t want to play as a cat mechanic making cars more eco-friendly?? Great job—can’t wait to see what it becomes!

The idea for this game is super interesting!! I love the idea of making the player actively participate in the destruction of the natural environment. It’s unsettling, but I think it will make for a very realistic and eye-opening game! Good job!

This concept is so cute!! I love gardening and games like Stardew Valley, so I love that it was compared to that. Cozy games are the best! I would try to make sure you have a clear idea of what you’d like to do (as I saw a lot of “maybe” in the pdf). But other than that, I think this is a really cute idea with a resonance scope! Good job! ^^