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A member registered Aug 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Well done. I particularly enjoyed the subtle ripple effects on the web as the wind was blowing.

Impressive what you were able to implement given the hours you put in. I started without really expecting much but was drawn in as the game progressed. I didn't expect to put many hours in during submission evaluation but I will certainly circle back to play again. Well done.

Very much enjoyed the way the clouds continually morphed theiry shape. It was a nice visual touch.

I love that you implemented "quit job" - I wasn't expecting that to have any effect. :)

Great balance between on planet, in space, mining, and resource management. It is the start of what could be an expansive environment. Very much enjoyed playing.

I particularly liked the realistic look of how the lightning formed. Well done.

I really enjoyed the tension of trying to stay close to the van for supplies vs. trying to get the electrical boxes farther out.

I enjoyed the gameplay. A particularly challenging aspect was when people spawned under a shark; it made me have to think about how to time the collision to avoid being pulled into the center.

Yeah - some controls like follow the cursor, scroll for intensity/size, ... I like the ideas.

This was incredibly fun to play. I hit a hole in one on the first shot and then spent the next twenty minutes trying to get anywhere close to that again. Enjoyed this very much.

Took me a while to get used to how to use wands, but I really enjoyed the concept of using them to progress by changing the properties of the environment. Well done.

The game hooked me; I played entirely too long while trying to get to reviewing other submissions. :)

Particularly enjoyed the (seemingly) unlimited respawns - as I needed them often.

I really like the visual aspects. Kept me trying to make new patterns.

Thank you. I spent the most time trying to get that effect correct - I'm glad it came through.

Thank you for the feedback. I've never done music/sfx before - would be an interesting extension.