Recent community posts
I totally agree. It's frustrating, the game is good, but many little adjustements are needed.
It's like a good guitar who is tuned at 98%.
Two examples :
- the character isn't at the center of the screen, so ennemies from a side are more dangerous than from the other side
- sometimes, when we're on a moving plateform, the caracter don't jump, how ever we push the button. The only solution is to fall.
For the need of inspiration, playdate community is generous, come on a discord, they will really help you if you ask. A boss fight with the ball for example ? A tower to ascend ?
But the idea to keep pushing a project that sale only a little, so don't offer good money back for the time, this is totally understable. No one could blame you for that.
Yeah. I agree with all of that.
But, if it's dead, and unfinished, why have I seen it in a halloween bundle 5 days ago in the Playdate Community Direct. It isn't a cheap bundle.
This is a 7$ game. A bit quality in polishing is expected at this price for a playdate game. And like you say, it's really sad, cause damn, this game has a great great potential ! The last levels offers real great level design, keep surprising me, and are fun to play.
This is a pleasant game :)
Perhaps becoming hard too fast, but it's still a pleasant game !
The only thing that goes a little down for me (that brings moment of focusing 'out of the game') is the too big crank's rotation needed to rotate the turntables.
180° of crank = 90° in game. This is disturbing for me.
But once again : it's a pleasant game !
The game has a good potential, but should need a bit more betatesting. Some details are annoying, and some others are really frustating. A little example : why the character isn't at the center of the screen ? If I walk to left I will for sure manage ennemy, if I walk to right, I'm in danger. It's okay to loose, but it's frustating when that's due to bad setting.
Another example : when I die there is a skeleton under the Game over screen, when the screen goes up, it suddenly change for a slime.
Once again, the game has a good potential, really. The design is great, musics and sounds are pleasant, some moments has offered me pleasant challenge. There is for sure love in this game.