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A member registered Aug 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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this was so incredibly sick <3

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"you are a battery; a vessel to accumulate and ferment human responses to inhuman realities."

i feel like this line cuts right to the heart, and tragedy, of this game. god. anyways. loved this! the art, dialogue, and the percentages as descriptions. it was all so creative and haunting <3

it's working now! thank you :)

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it's been a day since i played this and i'm still thinking about it. i think it's a very poignant and unnerving exploration of the relationships of sex/violence and pain/pleasure under capitalism.

i wanna play this so bad but every time i try to start it, it gets stuck loading (music) between 35% and 42% :(

I feel you. I look forward to playing the full game!

godddddd this made me touching and haunting

Very fun! I'm a psychology major who actually happens to have all four mental illnesses of the main patients, so this was especially interesting for me lol. I appreciate your attention to detail and accuracy. I loved getting to analyze the patients and take a different approach to each of them. It felt pretty realistic! I also liked the notes feature.

I will say, Michael is in some... risky territory when it comes to OCD representation, as a violent character, but I'm gonna reserve judgment until I see his whole arc. When the full game comes out, I'll definitely give detailed opinions of each character's psychology.

That being said, I do like all of the characters so far! I'm interested to see where you go with them.

Thanks for the trigger warnings as well. It's always nice to be able to prepare myself for stuff like that.

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This game was SO fun! I had a blast finding every single ending. The progression of events felt very natural. Sometimes surviving a scary situation is pure luck, sometimes smart choices help, and most of the time there's no way to completely win - so this game feels realistic to me in that aspect. It made the eerie, oppressive atmosphere a lot more intense too.

Another thing that added to the tension was the slow development of the main two characters and their friendship. When you actually care about the characters it raises the stakes a lot, and I don't know about other players but I definitely got invested in Rachel and Anita.

Also I'm not easily scared but a couple moments got to me, which I enjoyed! Your art style captures the whole vibes very well in general.

I LOVE things that can genuinely creep me out without relying on jumpscares as a crutch- and this game definitely did that! It steadily builds up an eerie atmosphere and sense of dread. It's unnerving in a way that's definitely reminiscent of the mangakas who inspired it. Like them, you know how to make situations and characters seem just not quite right and subtly unnatural in a way that freaks out my lizard brain lol

The art's great- it's very expressive, and adds to the mood of the game. Rachel and Anita are endearing and easy to empathize with, which I think is good for games like this. The stakes are higher if you actually care what happens to the characters.

I look forward to playing the complete game!!