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A member registered Nov 30, 2021

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Nice! Go Pipo!

Sent it- the subject line of the email is: 8 directions RPG Character Sprite Base

(3 edits)

I really appreciate the time you took to make these assets! The generator is super helpful! I'm obsessed with some of the characters I've generated with it- it's got me thinking of lots of different game ideas.

I'm extrapolating from these assets to make more actions, such as jumping, attacking, and dodging. I've already finished modifying the base skin to add jump and slash. I plan to make my own character generator in Godot (I know talk is cheap, haha). I've got to hammer out more artwork first, though.

EDIT: I finished the art to extend the standing pose to 8 directions. Now I just need to draw clothes and matching animations. If you'd be interested in any of this, I'd be glad to send it to you.