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A member registered Jul 07, 2021

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(1 edit)

Okay, I managed to fix it. It ended up being a compatibility issue with another plugin, which I could solve by asking the Plugin Author if I could edit it slightly, now everything works immaculately.

Just to follow up what you asked: The string worked after updating the CGMZ Core and the compatibility issue with the plugin also effected the string, so just nothing happened at first in the Console, which confused me.

You can't see it in the Screenshot (because the buttons are too sensitive, so it puts out the same button multiple times) but I tried all of them and every button of the gamepad is put out as true, so that's perfect.

I just want to thank you for the help and quick response, and I am sorry if I have wasted your time in any way. But thank you for all of your amazing Plugins, and all the work you put in them, they are amazing, and maybe this thread can still help someone! (hopefully)

Okay, so it doesn't work in the Demo, even with the updated Plugin, (and no other plugin around to obstruct it) nothing happens when pressing the Buttons assigned, which leads me to believe that it is incompatibility with the controller. (if anything)

I also added the code that you posted, I pasted it at the very end of the Dungeontools Plugin file, and I must be doing something wrong, if I type in nothing, the console doesn't give out information, (which I assume is normal) but if I type in "Gamepad" like in the second picture, it just says "native code" unfortunately nothing more than that, but I used the command that was added with the string that you posted, and it just says this:

I guess I must have done something wrong or misunderstood, not sure. I tried clicking the arrow and nothing happens in every case.

Okay, sorry that I wrote it so confusing, what I meant by "buttons" was the gamepad keys, they don't change no matter what I set them as. Moreover, they don't only not change on my end, but they don't work, it works on the keyboard, so I know the Plugin works, but it doesn't work on gamepad. Maybe it works for others, but on my end, the gamepad keys don't do what they should on their own.

I know that RPG Maker MZ has only partial controller support, but even with plugins that offer complete controller support, they don't work. The only thing that I could work out, was using a ButtonCommonEvents Plugin, that made the Dungeontools Change Scene work via Plugin Command.

My gamepad works fine everywhere else, so I am very confused on why it doesn't work. (It doesn't work in the demo as well, just tested it again.) and I am using an official Xbox One controller. 

I am aware of the case sensitivity as well, I only set keys as lowercase. ("q" for example) The keyboard issues I had were quickly resolved and are no longer a problem! (pretty sure it was just another plugin causing problems)

Thank you for the quick response btw, aside from the gamepad issues this is a very good and well-made plugin!

Hello, so I tried everything I could with this plugin, it worked great, but one thing that has bothered me for quite some time now: Changing the buttons to use the tools, rotate and for the change window don't work. It doesn't change the buttons, it didn't work for me for gamepad buttons and after some testing I also noticed that it doesn't seem to work for keyboard.

I might just be missing something, but I feel like I have tried everything, If there isn't a quick solution I guess this is at least some kind of bug report, so you know.

Thank you for all your hard work.