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Two Ravens Games

A member registered Jul 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi there,

Thanks for featuring us :) I'm just listening to the episode now!

Hi Xilopexos!

Sorry for the late reply, the game has been recently updated to address this problem with the level select screen, I hope it helps!

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Did you check if the volume was up in the settings? Or was just no sound playing at all?

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Thanks for playing it xD. There should have been sound. Which version were you on and was the whole game silent?

We're currently working on a mac version and looking into a linux one after that. It'll be a few days before we manage to get it ready though. 

We've taken a look at the game and managed to fix what was causing the "level 5" error. Try redownloading the new build and hopefully it should work! Thanks a lot for donating. We really appreciate it.

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We're looking into getting a mac version up and running, but we don't have one yet. Thanks a lot for donating, but I suggest refunding it. Sorry for the inconvenience! :)