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A member registered Dec 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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this is pretty fun! I did find a couple bugs, where if you stand next to a cauldron and run along them it highlights all of them, and if you don't do anything on endless mode the death screen never plays, and you just stop moving. (this doesn't happen on normal or hard however).  other than that, this is an interesting take on the theme, and is well made.  I also really like the art, and control system.

first of all, the 4th level is impossible, because the red platform is too high up. second, it gets really frustrating to just wait for the red one to make its way back and forth each time you mess up one of its jumps, I wish there was a way to make the red one faster

Thanks for the feedback! it helps out a lot!

thanks for the feedback!  it really helps me out

ummm.. i couldn't play it, the robot just fell through the floor


this is amazing, though i could not get past the final fight, its obvious that you put TONS of time i=and effort into this, with the story, and gameplay, and the way that you worked the theme into both.  i would LOVE to see a longer, more fleshed out version of this, and i truly believe that this game deserves to win the jam

first of all, no clue how to play, what im supposed to do, or how i got a game over screen. 

i also fail to see how this matches the theme of the jam...

(1 edit)

a bit of constructive criticism,

1. The levels are to easy, if you are just getting from one end to the other

2. The levels are to difficult, when trying to defeat every enemy, with the placement of the spikes, at the hanging enemy, he respawned too quickly to completely kill him, and it felt almost impossible to beat it this way.

3. (bugs) the shooting enemies didn't turn around, so they were usually super easy to kill, and you could jump on top of the sworded ones, so they couldn't attack you, and be easily killed.  the issue was, one would always slide into spikes, so you couldn't  completely kill it, without killing your self.


the art and music are amazing! and i loved it!

a story is also present, and its not just a plain platformer.  

All in all, good game!  you obviously couldn't work out all of the kinks, given the time limit, so i think that this game deserves good ratings!

how do i play?