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A member registered Dec 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Project N.O.V.A community · Created a new topic Updates
(1 edit)

"I would be posting updates on the project here"

Well well well...

The tima has came!!!!

It's the middle of the night and I'm posting an update.

So let's get right into it

I am working on a better version of "Project N.O.V.A".

the project will be renamed to "N.O.V.A: The Origins"

the code will be changed:

new functions will be added,

old bugs will be fixed

and the bad trailer will be remade.

As well as the logo will change.

Also the project will now have a story:

U.S. Washington DC Pentagon.

A new security system is created by the top hackers in Pentagon.

It's a super compuer, the fastest one of the year 1986.

It had a weird Operating system which is called "N.O.V.A"...

Fast Forward to 2007...

The U.S. goverement has collapsed after the cold war became a "Hot war" in 1990

You are one of the few survivors of the events.

And when traveling you managd to sneak into the abandoned building of the famous pentagon.

You found Hundreds of old computers..

none of them were working except one

you looked at it

and you saw a green text saying:

"N.O.V.A v0.0.5>"

after which you loaded the OS to your USB and carryed it home

Then you uploaded it to your PC...

All of that was the lore btw.

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Hello everyone, I just released a new game,

It's pretty unique as it has no GUI but fun to explore I hope everybody will enjoy it!

Heres the link: