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turbo red

A member registered Aug 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts rated! can you try and rate mine aswell? check out mine!

so good I'm so happy that the glitch got fixed!

i fixed it

or did you reach the end ? because there a bug on the second section from the first level that i hope it got fixed this on update

did you got any glich that make you can't complete the game? try and rate mine too try mine aswell!

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can you try mine 😊 try mine

You can play it now and complete it the ending and the next level are amazing 🤩

and after hte game jam I'm going to to a big update that solve everything and another and cutscene that will explain a lot

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

if you got a bug in this game that make it inplayable good news it got fixed

I used another way know but it seems like a little bit laggy for 0.1 second but it's doesn't ruin the gameplay that's been that I fixed it

(1 edit)

I used another way know but it seems like a little bit laggy for 0.1 second but it's doesn't ruin the gameplay that's been that I fixed it

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I'm trying to fix it but for know I think it's a problem from the engine cause I use an older version because my pc is low end what's the type of CPU you're using? AMD or Intel?

I hope you rate it 😊 FOR ME IT's my first game jam with my third game i ever made with my low end pc I'm going to join game jams like brakeys and arecola just to make money and get a new pc to make beer games for the future i hope you try my game and rate it as well and support me

(1 edit) FOR ME IT's my first game jam with my third game i ever made with my low end pc I'm going to join game jams like brakeys and arecola just to make money and get a new pc to make beer games for the future i hope you try my game and rate it as well and support me