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A member registered Sep 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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No. Only boxed version.

I can't coding C64.

Thanks, but game's status is work in progress yet :)

There is a simple way to run the game on any configuration. Try fiddling around while the game is loading :) I don't want to give away any details here. No parameters are needed, just press one key on the keyboard...

I can add a .lha version. This isn't a problem.

I didn't think about Aminet. That might be a problem due to the fact that the game is simply written specifically for haters who always claim that the game should be optimized and run on lower configurations.

Dziękuję za nagranie gameplay'u :)

Thank you, but this is not necessary. The game will run without problems on any Amiga system with 68k architecture and there is no need to create a WHDLoad version. 


Thanks. On store's site are pictures of box art. Here:

Ami H.E.R.O. [Amiga- Dyskietka/Wersja Cyfrowa] (

I asked the publisher and it should appear on the store's website tomorrow

The frog, or rather a moth, was supposed to move in jumps. You can predict its movement because it always moves diagonally. It bounces off walls and magma, returning in the other direction, and so on :)

Ami-H.E.R.O. or Ami H.E.R.O. because H.E.R.O. is not a word, but "Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation".


This game was written in Blitz Basic 2.

On this site game should be for sale.


Thanks for gameplay's video :)

Now I checked it and I remembered :) If the guy jumps up and down in the start screen, hold down FIRE until it starts loading level 1. This is about the moment when he falls and lands after a jump.

Maybe You have autofire selected. Try Winuae or a real Amiga.

Thank you for the game broadcast. I found a graphic designer, or rather, the graphic designer himself contacted me (the same one who improved my graphics for AmiTower). Currently, I am slowly modifying the tiles and sprites for the game, and I am trying to keep up with changing the graphics and changing the entire game code. In the version that is currently available, we use a Dual Playfield screen, and now everything is converted to one 32-color playfield. There should also be more animations in the game, so please be patient and best regards :)

I'm just browsing. Overall Ami-H.E.R.O. It was created because I wanted to see if I could faithfully reproduce flying up, falling, gravity and collisions on the tiles of the room. Once I got the hang of it, I decided to make simple graphics, the first level and simple enemies, similar to those in the original. It is not a faithful copy of the game, but only a model based on the original. There are some shortcomings, e.g. collisions when shooting, but overall I think the game is playable and addictive. If I have enough patience and a graphic designer is found, the project will continue.

Game was testing on WinUAE with ROM 1.3 and 0.5MB slow RAM + 0.5MB chip RAM and on a real Amiga 1200 with 8MB fast RAM and kick 3.2.2 and a real Amiga 600 with CPU 030 + 2MB chip RAM + 64MB fast RAM.

Thanks :-)

Thanks :-)

Fantastic job! I try making some game like this and I can't :) 

Thanks :)

This game is only for AGA. Originally graphics are for VGA in 256 colours. Reducing pqlette to 32 colours is very hard. Except that, blitter in AGA is fastest like ECS and A1200 have CPU 68020 and 2MB of Chip Ram. Stock A500 is too simple for this.

Poziom 3 łatwiejeszy od 2 moim zdaniem. Pobierz obecną wersję, bo tamtej nie dało się przejść przez 2 błędy w mapie levelu

I send for You an e-mail messange.

Da się :-) uwierz mi. Jeśli mówisz o miejscu, gdzie jest niebieskie tło, to najpierw trzeba iść dołem po amunicję, a później się wrócić i iść górą. Drugi level jest o wiele wiele trudniejszy. Mimo wszystko dalej wprowadzam kolejne zmiany bo jednak trochę jest inaczej niż w oryginale. Obecnie tworzę mapę 3 poziomu.

Thanks :-)

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"klocki.lha" is an archive file for extract in AmigaOS. ADF file is image of floppy disk and LHA is the same game, but packed like ZIP od RAR file. Some players will game in LHA format.

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or here:,8491435938.adf

Thanks :-)

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In WinUAE You can change CPU speed to Fastest Possible without JIT and Cycle Exact unmarked. Now game is working better. Glitches are, when scroll is reset to position "0" and two bitmaps (with bouble buffer) are refreshing together with including next platforms. Maybe in future I rewriting this part of code.

On my Real Amiga 1200 with 8MB Fast Ram game working fine.

Thanks for testing a game :-)

On stock A1200 or with some turbo card?

I can write Spanish language support. Good idea :-)

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Trochę wydaje mi się teraz trudna ta gra. Ciężko jest się dorobić czegokolwiek, bo podatki zjadają sporo pieniędzy a i częste pojawianie się szkodników powoduje że trzeba wydawać sporo pieniędzy na środki przeciw szkodnikom. Ale cieszę się że gra się podoba. Dziękuję za kolejny filmik :-) myślę, że niedługo dokończę grę. Zostało już niewiele do dołożenia.

In which programming language is this game written?