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A member registered Jun 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! Glad to see you liked it :)

Really? I taught it was a little to long :)) glad to see you enjoy it! Thanks for the feedback

Thank you so much!

Thank you!!


Thank you so much!! Glad to see you liked it! I know sorry :(... I made some last minute changes regarding the boss and I forgot to change the hp. Glad to see you liked it 

Great art! The game is looking so good!

Thank you! I am working on a update right now to fix the movement! I will also make time to play your game too :)

Great game! Dark Souls difficulty level :))! Nice art and introduction level.

Thank you! I am still new to programming but I have made pixel art and animations in the past.  I will try and implement the smooth movement too. Again , thank you so much for the feedback! :)

Great game and original concept! Loved it!

You are a GENIUS!! Thank you so much for  the suggestion!! I played your game and it is awsome!

Nice! I love it!  Don't forget to check out my game if you want!

Very cool! I enjoyed it! Congrats!!:)

Thank you so much for pointing this out! It should work now. Do let me know in case you notice other problems, I am still wrapping my head around programming. :) Once again thank you! 

Kept me engaged for 10 full minutes!!! I love it! The mechanichs are awsome and the simplistic art style is great!

Thank you so much for the advice! I'm recreating this game in unity and I really needed some new ideas!