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A member registered Dec 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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I hosted a Game Jam a month ago but even after the end of voting there are no results to be seen. It displays the number of entries, votes, and some other details but it doesn't actually show the jam's final results. 

I've checked multiple times and it says it ended but nothing gets resolved. How do I solve this?

Wow these were so fun to read! I will have to eventually use a few of them for that perfect pulp feel.

Hrrm this has really good game feel

We've played around with those deep military conspiracy angles of wild experiments and immoral scientists. Actually, in the few weeks since writing the comment, we've started prepping for a proper set of missions. Starting with odd experiments in small compounds and capping off with an island base of weaponized animals and hybrid soldiers, whole bit being heavily inspired by the Vivisection video game. 

I've still to run the session proper but just spitballing with my group has made for a fun evening. I'm glad that I've stumbled into this. Even more so with all the cool extra books added.

You are welcome! Always glad to support peeps making great stuff for TTRPGs.

This was such a breath of fresh air to run. It felt like every character had their own personality in mechanics while not needing more than a bathroom break to learn them all.

I'm slowly going through my library and this book has been an absolute joy! I've ran a few of the encounters already but the sheer fun of each really makes me wanna fill the whole world with funky critters.

Man this is really cool! I love the way you've separated each situation into phases and the personalization of characters through stuff like entrance themes.