Apologies if this comes off as a rude question, but its hard to differentiate these days. Were these created with AI?
Recent community posts
I like the game, largely. Theres some good bones here. But I never feel like I have any agency, like I never get to make meaningful or interesting choices. Success seems to entirely stem from what upgrades are offered and when, and whether or not you face enemies that will kill you outright or burn your health so low that you can't stabalize.
I don't know what the solution is, but it feels different than it does in something like slay the spire. In StS I always feel like I get a say. Combats are much quicker, and you get a ton of opportunities to choose between more than just one or two options. So even if you choose something early on that you need to build into, you can be fairly certain you'll get to do some version of that over the run. The same really can't be said here.
Also, a speed up combat option is *super* necessary lol.
Anyways, just my two cents. Good luck with the rest of development!
Is the christmas goblin part of this set, or the first monster of the christmas set? Im not sure if Im supposed to expect the christmas set to be normal monsters dressed in christmas gear like this character, or if theyll be more traditionally christmas monsters. (Reindeer, elves, santa, krampus and the like)
In either case, awesome job! Ive really appreciated the set and look forward to seeing the christmas ones. :)