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A member registered Jul 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Congratulations on winning Developer's Choice, this game definitely earned it!

I just released a new game as my submission for Whisker Jam 2022! I've been meaning to join some game jams, and this week I finally did it. It's an arcade-type game where you have to run through an endless, randomly-generated level while trying to outrun a constantly moving lava wall.

More here:

Overall, this is quite good. Nah but seriously, this shows a lot of promise! I enjoyed the implementation of the axe throwing mechanic and how the level design makes use of it. The music and sprites are also very well crafted and I'm excited to hear/see more.

My main critique is definitely the camera. It is perfectly fine on the horizontal axis, but a bit slow on the vertical axis. There were times where I couldn't see what was below me and had to wait a while for the camera to catch up to me before I could proceed. It's not a huge problem, but one that I'd like to see amended in the full version.

That's really the only issue I have in an otherwise very well made platformer that I can't wait to play more of. Great work!

This game makes me feel like Lightning McQueen.

This is neat!

Howdy, I just released a parody of the popular horror series Five Nights at Freddy's, featuring similar gameplay, but with many twists of its own. It is also a parody of Vsauce (hence the name), featuring loads of references, secrets, and inside jokes from all four Vsauce YouTube channels.

Check it out:

And be sure to rate and share if you enjoy :-)