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TRIBOOT Technologies

A member registered Apr 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey guys! 

We released our extension Ultimate PlayerPrefs in the Unity Asset Store and want to share it with you. We think it could be very useful to the Unity Developers out there.

You can find our page here.

The Ultimate PlayerPrefs editor extension helps you to store and manage local data with the PlayerPrefs system of Unity. You can inspect, organize and manage your local game data without getting in trouble with storage keys, type issues and data insecurity.

A clear and intuitive UI interface allows you to stay on top of things even if you have a huge number of data items. UPP provides searching and filtering, using cached reading for better performance as well as data encryption for anti cheat protection. In addition you can use grouping and pin favorites to the top of the list for giving you a fast access to your vital data objects.

We hope our tool is helpful to a lot of you. 

Thanks for your support.

(1 edit)

Hello Community,

we released our mobile game Missile Conflict BLITZ a few weeks ago and want to share it with you. 

It is an arcade game where you have to protect your base from incoming missiles. You have to survive as many waves as possible. Because every wave is getting harder to beat you have to upgrade your base and use your special abilities wisely. Compete with your friends and with players from all over the world by fighting for the best score.

More info at:

Any feedback is appreciated. Let us know if you find any bugs.
Thanks for your support! :)