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A member registered Mar 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Hey! Thank you so much :)) glad you liked it. We were not sure at all about the sound effects

Thank you! Yep, they turn to ice :))

The game is really nice and what I find really incredible is the story behind it! Well done!

Love the vibe!

It definitely has an interesting interaction system and I feel that the game, as a whole, is pretty unique. Good job!

This is very cute :))

Thank you!

Haha thank's! We've recorded them ourselves :))

Really like the shader :)

Gives me Iron Lung vibes. Love it!

(1 edit)

I would pay for this if you published it as a multiplayer game. Gj!

Haha really like the retro style :D and I would add a spam protection in the future, maybe like a cooldown on each color or just like Chicken Invaders has that weapon overheat.

Love the character :)

Thank you :D

Hey, thank you for taking your time to review my game! I probably should have provided more user feedback in game, but I will update it after the jam!

For real ;D

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

Hello! I deeply appreciate you criticism. I ll make sure to do the right changes in order to create a better game experience. 

Thank you!

Hello! Thank you for trying out my game! I really really appreciate your suggestions!

Good luck!

Hello! I am glad you liked it! The user feedback is not great indeed, I should fix that in a future update. This might be a spoiler but there is another level you can access. Unfortunately there is a more ambiguous way to it and I should definitely change that. Thanks!

Glad you enjoy it!

Thank you for trying out my game!

The Life of a Die is an enjoyable 3D Platformer with a Storyline for spicing things up. Roll the dice and play! Each number you roll will affect you in different ways so plan cautiously!