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A member registered Oct 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yes, that's right. That's why at this point I decided not to just fill the lorebook with new descriptions, but to do something that would reveal the world through stories. It's hard to do it as a game yet, but it's much easier for me to do it as a comic book. I have the idea of creating several small stories on behalf of different characters. They might intersect closely, or they might intersect very distantly. A kind of novelization of the quests, as if it were an existing game.

Wow thanks a lot for such a priceless feedback!

You are 100 percent right in most of the examples given.

As far as the order in which the information is presented and the way it is presented, you are absolutely right, these thoughts have been bothering me all along and I was really worried that the main feature of the setting was being presented very slowly.

About the different styles of art. This project has been in progress for a while now, and I've been using it to try my skills as an artist as well. If we were looking at it as a commercial product, then of course a single style would be necessary. But for me it is also a kind of presentation of a variety of skills. So I agree with you, but as long as the project is in this state, I won't redo all the art. Maybe it would make sense if I wanted to submit not just the setting, but a specific art direction as well.

ll your other recommendations are very helpful and I will definitely follow them in the future. Thank you very much for your attention!

Hi all! I would like to ask for advice about my project.

It's not a game yet (although I would like to make it into a game someday), but a worldbuilding project. I have humble gamedev experience , and no experience at all in narrative design and lore creation, since my main specialty is art. But I always liked the idea of creating my own fictional world and decided to try my luck at it. I created basic lore, made some texts and pictures by myself.

Could you give me some advice, is there any way I can use this project to find a job in gamedev? Could this experience be interesting to someone?

This world is called Exolith and it is some kind of fantasy/postap/western setting.

Thank you for your attention, I would appreciate any advice and comments.