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A member registered 42 days ago · View creator page →

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thanks! glad you like it :) 

i want to keep improving it so stay tuned!

Agaaaaainn!! Glad you liked it!!

thank you!!!


it was hard to understand at first, then i started to do random things until i figured it out. love the design !!

love it!!! and love to see 3d games made with Godot <3

amazing, simply amazing

(1 edit)

loved the concept! and the graphics omg

i really liked it ! loved the art

fun concept! would be awesome to see more puzzles :)

as a musician, loved the concept! i would love to see this game more polished in the future

loved the style, the music and the effects!

awesome concept!! love the art, the music, the gameplay

😂 lol, glad you played it ! it is my voice, I recorded and then pitch shifted and made a few options so it plays randomly when you loose