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A member registered Jan 18, 2023

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Will this game eventually be available from Itch or would it stay on the external site when it's done?

Since this got banned from Steam, would the following seasons have content that platform wouldn't allow?

I don't think I'm suppose to be able to train with Alex during Late Night cause when I did, it turned into morning. Might be a bug.

Just asking so I don't do the same content over and over again after each update.

Since Easter was Emily and Christmas was Linda, do you think Julie should get Halloween?

If this project ever gets restarted, the dev needs to do an overhaul with the story. Mainly by having one cause I'm about four hours in and there doesn't seem to be any sighs of a plot anywhere. Just random side stories.

this page has the description of version 0.3 not 0.4. 

Stacy has no dialouge when you talk to her after doing the new quest. And Jenny still talks about meeting up with Stacy again.

While I think the art work  isn't  the best, mainly cause I think the outfits look too tight especially around the crotch area,  Alex and Maeve look like they're wearing lingerie. It doesn't make them look sexy warriors it makes them look stupid  and unprepared for real combat. And yes I know this is a porn game but that explantion can only go so far for me.

Kind of like ZR1 but all the time instead of just in the bedrooms at night. I mean you did put in the effort to give all the main girls nude sprites in the first game.

I think we'll get those once the dev finishes the arena challenges

I think the new update will be based on the  Chinese New Year with Meredith and Olivia

I thought this might be an interesting diccussion. Sure we all have girls that we like or find attractive. For me those "best girls" are Nadia,  Oliva, Evelyn, Emily,  Nastsha, Jessie and crazy plant lady. But what are the worst girls. The ones that just make you skip the text don't pay attention to the sex and never interact with them when their questline is done.

For me I think all the female villains were pretty bad, especially in Town of  Passion. But special mention must go to Loki who with one line of dialouge killed my engagment with the finale and made me just skip all the text till I was back in town.

check Linda's bedroom during the evening. It should be the pink object in the room.

Will that bit in the begining  with the shipwreck be brought back in any way like there were some surviors on the wreck?

V12.5i isn't working Just opens a command prompt and closes

The vanilia build is working.

Honestly, I think the whole corruption thing should be cut from the plot cause it doesn't add anything to the story and at worst makes everyone look like selfish assholes since they know the zombies don't kill the women, they're just not going to do anything about it.  If there were female zombies, this issue goes away


  • Games got a pretty good gameplay loop where you leave the safe house to find supplies or do missions, talk to the girls for more missions or to fuck. Or just sit on the bench as you wait for the time to pass.
  • Boss fights are pretty good. My favorite is the plant boss.
  • Love the baseball bat despite it’s short range. Just wacking a zombie with this is enjoyable.


  • The art is subjective. If you don’t mind every girl having giant boobs then you might enjoy yourself. If not you’re going to roll your eyes.
  • Also there is a noticeable difference in quality in some art like the earlier sex scenes. This is obvious when comparing Ashley with the rest of the girls. Even her swim suit look like it was pasted on.
  • Don’t really see much of a difference between the pistol and crossbow. Might be a distance thing with the crossbow having worse range.
  • Don’t like that if you want to change the outfit of one girl, all the girls in the set must change their costume so you can’t get Ashley out of her swimsuit into something more comfortable without changing Rachel and Leslie.
  • I don’t really care about the main girls…And Talia. But I do like Natsaha for having agency in her own plot with her sister(even if she’s not allowed to be in the confrontation) and Cherry, Jessie who has a bit of an edge to her, and the crazy sexy plant lady.
  • The protagonist may be a vector for players to project onto but at least he has a face.


  • There is no plot at all. We have people that could be described as characters but there isn’t really a plot. I don’t even think the main mystery gets solved, just some setup for the sequel.
  • Serena is also a pointless villain. She doesn't really do much and I don’t think she was even behind the outbreak, some robed lady was. There’s no emotional or thematic connection for the player just makes the final boss fell like it’s just there.
  • The drop rate for the NightShade Berry’s is horribly low and you need them to make the antidote to progress the game. Yes, I know their are easier ways to get them Berries later but I mean getting two more just to get the first antidote.
  • And I know I keep bringing this but WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WOMEN THE ZOMBIES TOOK?! That is a giant loose end that is never brought up.

I think it might be the shading or lighting or some other art term I don't know cause she is noticable a little bit darker when compared to the other girls and her skin looks correct during the sex scenes. 

Aside from being mandatory tag along for certain missions, the main purpose of the girls is to give you a extra item while savalaging scrap from bins. One thing that might improve this system is to add a list for each girl listing what bonus items they find so you don't waste several days looking for that one item needed to make something to progress the plot. Maybe add it to the first game too if possible.

It sucks that the artist for Town of Passion isn't doing the art  for this prequel, especially since the art doesn't look that good. 

I ask cause it's implied that women getting fucked by the zombies turn them into sex slaves. And we do nothing about it.  I mean if they were dead then why aren't there female corpses around the camp. But if the zombies took them somewhere then why isn't there a mission where we find where we took them and organise a plan to save them .  Might be a more fitting climax then whatever was going on with Serena.

Feels like a giant loose end is all I'm saying.

Wanted to put this in the review but the rating system wouldn't let me copy and paste


  • Like the different challenges for each girl from puzzle solving, stealth, treasure hunting and running away from a girl in lingerie. Honestly I have little to complain about in the gameplay, it’s pretty solid.
  • Out of all the games this guy made, this is my favorite artstyle. But that’s more subjective taste in artwork.


  • I felt detached from the main plot since I spend most of the game bonding with the locals and I’m disappointed that they don’t help out in the finale. Makes most of the relationships feel hollow.
  • The finale is the worst section gameplay wise since it’s just one section of avoiding succubi and one real dungeon section. Would have been better if there were puzzles based on the dungeons of the other girls. Really make this an ultimate test of our skills.
  • Also about the finale, I was already done with it since I didn’t care for the whole goddess stuff, but I was still reading it. The moment Loki said she was helping the heroes for no reason and that only the underdeveloped “villains” came to help, I started skipping everything. What’s the deal with the villain or how it ties into the Lust Vs Passion theme? Don’t know and I don’t care.
  • Also, I don’t believe the MC is 18 or older, mainly because I felt like I was treated like a child at times.


  • What’s with this creator and starting the relationship with the “maids” by bathing with them. I get it as a kink but why is it always these characters?
  • Why weren’t Haru and Akane involved with the Easter tale? It’s set in their homeland. Having the two partake in an event of the culture  they had to leave behind would've been fulfilling to see.
  • Might have been a time or programming thing but it sucks that Rose and Raylene didn’t appear in the summer special since it is just sexy time in swimsuits.
  • I could go on but I’ll be nitpicking at that point…

At the end where it says slice, go to the  inventory and select the slice move

This plot seems more like a simple power fantasy with the MC saving the day and getting all the pretty girls. But there's an idea here that could lead to erotic horror. I mean all the men have turned into zombies but the women appear to be fine except they are really horny, then you could introduce a male rescurer who has sex with one of the women and then he becomes a zombie. This causes the women to realise they are carriers for the zombie plague which could lead to fear, paranora, sexual frustation and the thought of should they even get rescued

You know, as you find more surviors, they also have dinner with you  and your "housemates" and discuss what's going on in their storylines, the main plot or just anything else that cross their mind.

sell things

I remember playing the original a few years back and getting bored of it a good ways in. I think it was around the time a town was under seige by demons or worms or something.

 Maybe after playing a few other adult games, I think its cause I didn't really enjoy the main character. The girls may have been okay at worst but the MC who I think I was meant to project onto was someone I just didn't give a crap about and was actually rooting for the lesbian rebellion from within to kick out the weak link.

So anyway, for this remaster are there any changes to the MC or is he still a blank slate to image us fucking these women?

How okay is it to tweak the rules for the setting like how sunlight affects Vampires or adding different monsters to the setting like tooth fairy mice, banshees, mummies or fairies in general.

I thought there was a boss missing in the final dungeon. Maybe there should be a Steam achivement to let players know this guy exist like when you refuse to fight Ameythst in WAUTAH