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A member registered Mar 22, 2023

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Honestly take out the nsfw aspects and you have an amazing sfw story. Either way both this and once in a lifetime are so great man

I know this new update will be so good!!!

Thank you for all your hard work!!

Wow 2 of my favorite game creators coming together how nice!!!

love the art in this game cant wait for more updates!

Great game man!!!


Great game man!!!

great game I can't wait til the next updatw

Love your games man

This is pretty good!

NVM I got it

How do I download on android?

Happy to see another update! This game is honestly really good hope you see more popularity

I love both of your games man

Exactly I agree with everything you said

I've just started and i am remembering why I followed you after I played your games. They're always so good

I can definitely tell this is gonna be good!!

Love this update and your games in general the Sense of humor is on point and story is also amazing! Slowly unraveling what eternum really is. It's amazing! Love both of your games and I will follow you on this journey of game making

This game is very underrated

Why won't thr android link work?

  I hope your situation gets better man your game is really good and it sucks that you have to go through this.

0.6 HYPEEEE!!!!

Sad that z ish stopped making games they were all pretty good

yea I'm checking out your other games after playing this you're good at writing stories hope you don't stop!

(1 edit)

Decided to check your out after playing once in a lifetime and I must say you're amazing at writing stories! The humor is great in both games as well hope you don't stop making such great games!

Hope you get your life back in order

Holy crap this story is good

The way the main character is written is so realistic. I know that people do think like that and that's so depressing wow

Alright Thanks

so every episode is there ?

How do I download previous episodes?