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A member registered Jan 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's a really cool concept once you power through the learning curve, but the abundance of bugs and specially the lack of a save feature makes it really frustrating. I hope it gets updated so it's a little less innaccessible.

(2 edits)

First, thx a lot for playing. 

Second, the artstyle is used in all the cutscenes, also there aren't checkpoints because all levels are really short (like 1 minute at most). I originally wanted to add an easy mode for accessibility but didn't have time and didn't see it as a priority , I'll keep the importance of that in mind for the future. 

Also it wasn't intended to be rage game, it has tight platforming but I tried to make it so it doesn't kill you unfairly (except the citizens that don't stand out enough , that's another problem). 

Thanks a lot for the criticism and I'll keep it in mind for the future :). 

Once I got how it works it became really fun, it's hectic af. The graphics are kinda weird though.

I love it so much, specially how many solutions every puzzle has.

It was really fun, kinda left me wanting more.

I liked it, it was really cute. Only issue is that win or lose state doesn't stop the game, so you can lose after you've already won.

So beautiful ;-;

So goddamn cute