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A member registered Dec 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey everyone! DISK DASH is a local multiplayer game that involves tackling other players and throwing a disk at moving goals and or the other players.

The game supports keyboard and mouse players so you don't need controllers if you want to play with just 2 people.

Here's a video of some gameplay if you're curious to see what it looks like in action:

Hey, the game seems pretty neat.  But I kinda wish full screen worked.  For some reason when try and alt-enter into fullscreen it just exits out again if the game isn't in a menu.  

I also had to unplug my controller to get the game working at all.  When the controller was plugged in I couldn't use the mouse and keyboard to select items in the menu and the controller itself wouldn't allow me to dodge so I couldn't get past the tutorial.  

I'd like to spend more time with the game, but I'm having difficulties because I keep clicking outside the window. 

Hey, just played the demo yesterday.  I'm really excited for the full release on the 21st.  I'm just curious what the rough playtime of the full game will be?  I was also wondering what the price will be.

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I really dig the style of your game, just wanted to give some feedback

  • I couldn't figure out why you would use the spin attack, didn't seem as useful as just shooting, looked neat though. 
  • From the screenshots it looked like there was more to the game than the first screen.  Maybe there is, but I had no idea how to progress.
  • I figured (at least I think I did) that the diamonds were breaking the tree looking cubes (the things that are obstacles) so I assumed that I was supposed to do that to move on, but nothing seemed to happen once I got rid of them all.  
  • There was also no visual feedback that the tree things were getting damaged, so I couldn't tell if they were just disappearing on their own, or if I was actually getting the enemies to destroy them.
  • I have no clue what the paper airplane looking things are supposed to be, or do.
  • Also when I finished dealing with everything, I got confuzed and just started moving around the screen without a care for what happened to my character, then the game froze up.  I'm assuming you're using GameMaker, and it seemed like the game got stuck in a while loop or something like that.  Since there was no error report, and the game became completely unresponsive.

Keep up the work.

Yup, looks like it works for me now.  Thanks for making the change. 

Hey I was wanting to try out your game, but it looks like I can't download it through the itch app.  It just says "not available for windows" where the download should be.  It works fine if I download it through chrome.  Just figured I'd let you know that people using the app can't download it.

Yo I like the game, thought it was a really neat concept.  

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Incredibly fun.  I would love to see more levels put into the game.   Adding a timer to have high scores would add some replayablity too (along with being able to replay levels).

Killer 2017 community · Created a new topic Bugs

It doesn't seem like the options button works.  When I clicked on the options button the letters just danced around the screen and the game just stood there unresponsive moving the letters around, had to exit out using the windows 'X' button.

Played through and beat up to tower 7.  I kinda wish that there were some ways to customize the controls.  I usually have movement on the left side of the keyboard even if it's a keyboard only game and was disappointed at the lack of freedom in those options.  

I really enjoyed the difficulty of the later levels and the introduction of new mechanics in what was otherwise a fairly simple game.  

Keep up the good work.