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A member registered Jun 01, 2021

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yeah, i know what you mean there, also it would be impossible to put grass on obj, as it makes many pc’s (mine included) to go to it’s very limit xD

also i know that making the materials for this is hard, let alone puting materials in surfaces on blender is enough”ly” hard, i can’t come to imagine how hard will it be to implement material adding on haxe.

still you are the best, you actually make it easy, not like probableTrain, that made a good algorithm, but ruined it needing to add bools on stl files, wich is extremely conflictive

(1 edit)


I'm currently on this WIP: (render result) & more recent version (2+ days) [HERE] (For some reason i the second ver tha grass got some horrible coastline bugs) and wdytai?, it's pretty hard to put those lights in the houses, soon i'm planning to put some light source windows there and textures, even if i still haven't managed to get them right ever xDDD

It's a great program, it's very pleasing in my opinion to make towns and this makes it a lot easier, thanks xD