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A member registered 23 days ago

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The controls are not vary right hand friendly. There should be a way to change the controls and use mouse to select items, but that isnt a must/need.

Oh, well I will be looking forward to it then and any and all other feature you may add.

These are good changes and I really love the Samurai boss, and the challenge scaling or modifiers you can use after you play a while. A cool concept for the 'Rank' score is that you could make quests that require you to complete the act with a certain rank at the end. (I have endless ideas and willing to share them with people who make such amazingly fun games)

NOTE: I am still not good with naming things nor am I good with spelling.

Example: you get an achievement for a rank score -5 or lower called something like "Playing On Easy Mode" or something like that. And another for a rank +5 or higher called "Is That All You Got?" or something like that.

New Modifier Ideas 

- <Shop Area> costs <some amount> of starting mana instead Pinecones             {rank up 1}

- Encounter enemies at all/any locations {rank up 3} (when going to shop, chests, or badge ruins player can be put into a easy/random level fight)

- Add 1 <blessings> location to map {rank down 1}

If you didn't see my other concept ideas for this game, there over on the comments on update two or this link.

(Side Note: I will 100% your game)

For a full release of this game I would pay at least 30$-50$ USD. Vary fun, and vary rare game type, (for me to see anyway). I really love these gem strategy games, keep doing what you're doing and good fortune shall come your way, once I get my card fixed.

you can complete the demo?!

Sorry if this is a bit much and don't see this as me telling you what/need to add but some ideas from a dedicated and happy player   :)

I really love this, I do have a few ideas for 'badges'/spell mods, (what i call them and will refer them as), and spell ideas/concepts. (I haven't used every item/spell and/or badge in the demo so I'm not sure if these already exist or not)

PLEASE NOTE: I am really bad at naming things, and my spelling is not good.

    Spell Mod Ideas

        - Berserk: (attacks random enemy +50% dmg) or Apply to self (ATS):50% more              dmg, +50% to all values

       - Survivor: ATS: take 50% less dmg, +1 leach

  • -Shuffled: order/sequence of stones doesn't matter (just have stones in any order)

  • -True Sight: (attack ignores enemy buffs) or (removes buffs from enemy on attack)

  • -Stopper/End Sequence: once sequence for this spell is complete it stops the sequence (like how the board reset spell does)

  • -Area: does 25% dmg to surrounding enemies

  • -Purify (can be a spell too): clears board of negative effects

  • -Life Steal: returns 50% dmg done to enemy back to player as health

(damage to shield doesn't count nor do summoned enemies)

  • -Exchange: allows health to be used as mana (for this spell only)


  • -Shock: stuns enemy for 3 amount of turns

  • -Poison: +3 amount of Poison