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A member registered Apr 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Designed for use with the MÖRK BORG TTRPG, but usable for any dark fantasy/medieval setting, this immense, hand-drawn map allows players and GMs to explore an intricate city dominated by the ruthless Church, home to countless people from commoners to nobles to monsters.

Download for free (or PWYW for a short booklet) here.

(1 edit)

Note that the Galgenbeck guide is not hand-drawn (it uses two hand-drawn illustrations for the front and back).

"And in the end the world became

a city, filled with buzzing crowds

in endless cells they pressed round loud

and lost themselves to the dreamer's claim"

ELDERNET is my ongoing serialized webcomic, set in a surreal hypertech dreamscape. This current release collects the first chapter into one PDF and is available here. You can also read the entire comic for free at my website.

An introduction to the Unified Faction System and a set of seven factions written for the TTRPG Mörk Borg. Includes rules for faction relationships, structure, membership, and missions. Perfect for adding political intrigue, corruption, and noir elements to your game.

Two points of order:

- While both the Inquisition and the Mendelites are written in such a way that players could join them, this is purely to match the UFS format. I highly suggest you do not let your players join either of these factions; they should always be treated as the enemy.

- I have tested these factions primarily with my own Mörk Borg group and would like to credit them: Jules, Evee, Julia, and Ocean.

The terrible and holy city of Galgenbeck crawls with thousands of creatures, many human, some... not. In this book, designed with the Mörk Borg TTRPG in mind, you will find a horde of terrors to inflict on your players, from pernicious pests to abominable beasts, each with full stats, flavor text, and illustrations.

Download it here (base of nine creatures for free; the deluxe edition for $2.00 or more):

Have you ever wanted to break into a magical evil castle and square off against its space-warping fae architect? Are you a fan of murder ballads, heist movies, and fairy tales? Are you looking for a way to fill three hours this weekend with no prep and four friends?

The Last Ballad is a one-shot, light FitD scenario set in a medieval England haunted by powerful fae and strange magic. You'll play as four characters from traditional folk songs, on a mission to rescue someone chosen as a sacrifice to the fae, locked inside the castle of Lord Warie. (For those ballad nerds among you, source material for the RPG includes "Tam Lin," "Cruel Sister," "Lord Willie," "Willie o' Winsbury," and "Long Lankin"). Encourages world-building, player cooperation, and fiction-first RP.

Also, to give credit where credit is due:

Playtesters: Matthew Boney, Ezekiel Davenport, Lily Davenport, Quinn Martin, Vita Nagy, Kaitlin Reynolds, Arwen Rolinitis, and Jules Webb

Also very heavily influenced by John Harper's Forged in the Dark system and Lady Blackbird games.