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A member registered Aug 27, 2016

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An clone of not inspired by but full on Judy take every single narrative beat clone Fears to Fathom but with a scat fetish is a bold choice for a game but I'll watch my favorite YouTubers play anything.

How do you complete the streaking job for the roommates partner because I've done streaking and texted them a picture and even posted a picture on the elkbook across the map. But there was no response 

Don't know if they check the feedback her often but would it be possible to get an epilogue filter it does help that the epilogues have markings for gender specific but itd be nice to be able to group them

How do you get extra credit library and stuff?

The quickie burger manager when I walk in wearing everything he says polo solid black micro skirt as explicitly said in trendy shop to be acceptable by quickie burger: I like money buy a new polo!

Now to slowly get them uncensored

I haven't gotten far enough are we going to have vagina and butthole but with covered nipples breasts pictures because that sounds like an arc on censoring genitals. But right now if you see a butthole or spread pussy it's the nipples getting your photo banned.

That moment you can't use your one freebie on Darla D because of Kurt. 

" you've killed me"

How do you get Annabelle the ID? I assume she wanted to go to the concert after I got it and went to talk to her she was busy sweeping then the concert happened and she missed it

I noticed when we pick lick ass the text is "You drag your tongue along her slit. You squeeze her clit between your lips and flick it with the tip of your tongue." Which sounds like cunninlingus text not analingus text. is that intentional

Define full version to my knowledge the game c currently ends at the Nagina path before the glacial spirits festival 

looking forward to when spinel enters the game and you make the love route as compelling as the love routes in four elements trainer. Can't wait to adore her.

Will analingus be added as well? 

In the clothes section can we get a mesh "Jeff Hardy" shirt (as I like to call it) so we can get as close to walking around naked in public as possible (technically women are supposed to wear a bra with it but still) 

Not gonna lie the idea of playing a mole in a Group of heroes and the game expects you to join with them maybe be turned against your cause only to eventually reveal you were always loyal to your true queen is an appealing concept. 

Are you trolling? The whole point of this is to be an fps you want over the shoulder go play the original RE2 for N64 or the RE 2 remake. You want nude mods for blocky ass textures oh no you want high def textures that defeats the purpose since there's and RE2 remake. There's high def nude mods for the RE2 remake. Cheat modes for the RE 2 remake. Online Co-op would make the game too easy it's meant to be a single player. Go play RE: Verse for multiplayer.

Get RE2 and RE:Verse for the PC you weirdo

I'm curious because this exact game  has haunted me from childhood for one reason. The doors in the rpd that are broken. I always wondered what was behind them. Gaming wise nothing because the doors never worked. Be nice if there actually was something behind them even if you have to no clip to see it or it's just written on the map


Can you relive your high school days as an antisocial misfit who does their school work and then goes home with minimal socialization?

wonder what the next fully nude day event will be.

So did you decide to take the jeph Jacques route and remove the little sister because it's easier to keep people from getting the wrong idea? I was looking forward to either helping her stand up for herself or turning her into a bully. But given the rest of the games content it might have been for the best.

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A visual novel game where you build stats... Now that's a concept I havent seen in a while.. anyway since I can't join the discord because voip numbers don't work on discord and some of us don't have a landline or a phone plan. We keep letting our player get their dick wet but why not put their mouth to use and tongue fuck the girls in both holes.

So uh do we ever figure out what was going on in the start of the game.  Because it's like meet a kitty , stop the mop, get an apartment, get a Domme.

Who TF am I? Why was I in an abandoned lab? Where's my fellow experiments? Why did I awake what seems years after the apocalypse instead of during? Am I a person? A clone?

Oy What's a CoG author doin in them here parts? Trying to escape that persnickety bastard Sherriff Hill? Heard he's been running off Authors left and right.

Me: *only ever studying no breaks no practicing kissing*

Quinn: *Smashing her head into the wall in frustration*

im on a console browser eventually i deleted the save and it fixed. As for my 3 points.

1. Its hard to imagine a true sense of scale. If you put a bunch of buildings near each other thats a village. A bunch of blocks with trees is a forest. If you made a village who talked about a spooky building in the woods five trees away from the village is just steve how many trees asay from any other building do you feel it takes before steve turns into a hermit.

2. Put down a block and a fishing cabim then put 20 blocks of water on any side. How does the owner socialize? I figure there could be a dock or somethinto imply he rows into town.

3. The Butcher , the faker, the candle stick maker. The innkeeper, the hunter. You could make dozens of new buildings or literally just add a double of the lumberjack/fishing/farming building rename it home give it no boosts and let players make actual villages. Some might want you to design a whole new building but given the notes imply youre done i'd take the easiest option for you that still adds non desert houses. If you did design something new any structure on water, dock, bridge, boat,  etc

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on a question of scale just your opinion.  If one were making a house in the woods (Also please add plain houses to the farming/fishing/lumber/forest area even if only contributes .05 and nothing boosts it) how many blocks away from "Town" would make it "The house deep in the woods" also can you add bridges /docks so those fishing cabins in the middle of the lakes I make arent trapped lol

Edit broke the game new world starting block wont spawn or the camera chose to go to china

I see you started a Patreon but only one person in it so far.  Might have to join in a few days. Gotta get the word out so you can make this hobby a job heh.

You know the Team should investigate the town of Wayhaven from the Wayhaven chronicles. In it a Lone Detective as a Supernatural team (Vampires) who are practically family joking and teasing forced upon them by a secret government agency and specifically their estranged (Player choice) parent who is in charge of the team who forces the team on them because there is "something special"(magic blood that is supernatural steroids to supernatural creatures) about them. Fun series it's also a romance and a huge chunk of content is removed if you dont romance anyone. 

Soo given that this is wayhaven minus the sweetness (The Wayhaven Detective doesnt beat up perps.) I'll give you the same advice I'd give the Wayhaven Author.

1. The more an author tries to push romance on me  (Wayhaven literally has the author stop the story to tell you if you dont romance anyone you are speed running to the ending) it makes me not want to romance anyone. Other things that kill the sexy buzz for me.  Having interactions and socializing forced on me like it's a playdate (The more you try to make me like the character the less i will), The romance options being the people who strongarmed their way into your life (in Wayhaven i'm most flirty with the weasel of a  human journalist), If the stakes are too high (All my life or death doctor characters would punch your teeth out if you tried a Grey's Anatomy hookupwith them). Conversely I find the most attractive characters in these types of stories are the ones who the author hopes are coming across as off limits (The Jokeresque Supervillain Prodigal from heroes rise, the drug dealer from Psy High, The girl blaming you for her brother's death from the fog knows your name, the Bully who disappears for75 percent of the book after being expelled in the first chapter of Creme De La Creme,  etc.) might tie into my rebellious nature or my "I dont want people throwing themselves at me." Nature.

2. In wayhaven even an asexual (in deed the author forces you to choose a sexuality in the beginning) detective is friends with the Team by book 2. I get you want some sort of camaraderie but you quintupled down on the loner aspect. So I expect while you can choose to warm up to the team that there will always be a begrudging if not antagonistic answer. A sorta "The team grows on you.... Like a cancerous tumor" 

3. Personally I would have turned in my gun and badge by tossing them at Dad's head. I dont know why the animosity is there. Did he sexually assault my lesbian MC? Never was around? Killed a supernatural best friend? Cheat on mom? Miss her funeral? Doesn't matter. I'd have quit because I was PROMISED a Solo career the moment you break a promise to me you are dead to me. So I'd move cross country and become a waitress if dad kept me away from police work until I was begged to come back and given some sort of legally binding contract that gave me what I besides Solo work or including solo work after a set timetable of teamwork. How could that work for a writer who needs the protag to stay with the team? Simple. The Team becomes a permanent fixture in the department (so they can keep an eye on me for dear ol dad) and when I dont have an active solo case i'm sent to work with them because I'm not getting paid to play minesweeper. (Perhaps Dad himself is having 90 percent of Solo cases rerouted to him so he can solve them and leave me to Teamwork)

Nymph with negative 20 hp: It's only a flesh wound!

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With Lesbian Mode on shouldn't the line of dialogue about being kissed by a guy and wanting a boyfriend be about being kissed by a girl and wanting a girlfriend or is it solely to remove content and not change things?

Is shower girl supposed to be the same name as my character or is that a weird coinkydink?

Life comes first. Take care of your own needs first.  Can't make games for others if you're physically or mentally exhausted. 

It's fun though i should probably wait till it's a bit further along till some of the images/animations are implemented a few of the lesbian options just lead to a blank screen and back to the options. but looks good so far. hope the sub dom system gets fleshed out more. And the whole when clarifying your interests to your partner the phrasing could use some work like if i want them to ... tickle them do i say tickles are great or having a partner who tickles is great. that's a bit confusing.

Downloaded the game and ran the exe and got an error saying the exe was missing or specifically it asked "Is it Missing?"

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If you're still building the game [judging by posts dates] in the prologue outside city you may want to switch the top of the building to solid so she cant seemingly walk on walls.

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Uhh how do you strip the protagonist in character creation because i can't "Customize my pubic hair" if I can't see it.

edit: found it it's in the clothes section undress

I have a controller. it worked normally at first but now the left analog stick controls the camera and movement. That's not really the games problem. but if theres anyway to fix it'd be good to know. 

I also would be interested in that because i'm probably going to have my protagonist avoid hetero relationships [except when the game forces her to have sex against her will] but also how do you change hair color?

Couldn't turn right or left i could walk strafe right or left but no actual turning therefore you couldnt go through the school.

Ruin Me community · Created a new topic A brief question

Would it be possible to corrupt our dear host into a more... Dominant role? There are a few options like greet me rudely but sometimes you want to play a sub. Assuming dominance wouldn't undermine the whole plan.