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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

Recent community posts

I have loved this story since it was first released in Choicescript and am glad to see it still being worked on.  Can't wait for this demo to reach and get past all that was previously available!

Loved the update!  I cannot wait for more!

Loved the update!  found a few errors, chose Emilia but she kept being referred to as Emil using masculine pronouns.  The error messages that popped up included the following: 

Absolutely loved the update!  Excited for more!

That was interesting! Look forward to more!

Loved the update as always!

Loved the update so much!  Cannot wait for more!

Loved the update and I love this story!  Looking forward to more!

Love the update but got to this point and cannot get further even though I am sure there is more.  No choice "turns the page" so to speak.  I am on mobile but not sure if that makes a difference, 

Loved the update!  

Fun demo! will definitely purchase the full game !

Loved the update!

I will try again soon and let you know if it is still too fast for me, thank you!

Interesting start, look forward to more!

I really really wanted to experience the update, but being a slow reader, reading on mobile and having pages jumping without me even realizing I was being timed, I just can't even finish it.  I am interested in this story but because of how slow I read I can't actually finish it or enjoy reading with the timers.   I am sorry, I hope everything goes well for you! 

This was amazing!  Very well written and interesting premise, I absolutely can not wait for more! 😊

Update was fantastic!  I love this story so much ❤️

Absolutely loved the update!  I am so excited for more 😊

This was wonderful, great job!

Loved this!

Nice start, I am interested to see where this one goes and already love the little family!

Loved the update, can't wait for more!

This was very interesting and I can't wait for more!

So excited!!!'

Loved the update!  There was one inconsistency where I picked the choice to write in the journal often but then in the bath got the line that the water was more calming than writing in the journal because I didn't write in it often.  One thing I would really love is to give us a light mode option back.  For those of us with astigmatism, reading white letters on a black background can actually damage our eyesight more.  Other than that it was fantastic and I can't wait for more!

Wonderful update as always!  I love your stories so much!  Can't wait for the next one 😊

The update was fantastic!  I cannot wait for more!  One thing I did notice is when coming back to the shuttle after choosing not to go after the sniper the text seemed a bit confused.  Came back with Ki-Ha and Joia but then the next page had me asking where they were.  And when asking where Raxha was on the page after that the response to that question was "yes we should get Skylar..."

The update was fantastic!  Can't wait for more 😊

Interesting start, looking forward to more!

Update was amazing!  Can't wait for the full release!

Interesting start, can't wait for more!

I love this story, and the update was amazing!  Look forward to future updates! 😊

I tried the mixed route and most of the flipping was changing the women to men

Fun update!  I did notice a lot of pronoun switching with the ROs, but I am excited to see where this story goes!

Fantastic update, I loved it!  As always I look forward to more 😊

Interesting start, looking forward to more!

(1 edit)

Update was fun!  Getting a lot of errors though, causing A's gender to flip, amongst others.  Here is one example (without the gender flip) 

Wonderful start, looking forward to more!

I love this, well written with an interesting world, I cannot wait for future updates!

This was an awesome start!  Can't wait for more 😊