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A member registered Jan 05, 2021

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Thanks for the help! Funnily enough, regarding the state stacking, I ended up using a combo of common events and temporary 1-turn states in order to try and mimic stacking states, and ended up with states following an evolutionary path of a sort instead, like A > B > C instead of 1 > 2 > 3. I'll see whether I can do what I'm attempting with my the base MV tools before touching on more plugins, though.

This game is fun and very inspirational. That said, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out how you managed to change your Actor's images as the states are applied. I get that you used Momotaru Remix's plugins to have the actor's models appear, but that's as far as I understand the process. The only other games I've seen with similar systems are Lipucd's projects, but I'm not sure what Neon Black's Battle Engine has to do with it either. I looked up transformations, and it says the buffs and states core is how it works, but it seems dissimilar.

TL;DR: Can you tell me how you managed to have Battler images change with the status effects applied?