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A member registered Dec 12, 2021

Recent community posts

Is there any ETA for the Truth expansion? I bought the game on this site but can't afford to subscribe to Patreon (trying to minimize the DID footprint in my visible bank notes XD), so I can't quite follow its progression

Is the expansion still in the works? It has been several silent months (at least on this site)

Seconding this. This one is my favorite by far and it broke my heart to notice the last update was almost 4 years ago

I would guess you were missing training Seles to use smokescreen and keep the two constantly blind/confused, while Eileen saves all her CP to heal and Kaie also blinds whenever both the confusion and the blind from Seles misses or wears off.

Besides that, generally when fighting several strong enemies, focus all fire on one, then as soon as you bound her, secure her bindings at least once. Then you really don't have to worry about her anymore (Alyssia didn't even struggle, she just glared all the time. Maybe the AI decided its hopeless)