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A member registered Feb 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback, yes we know the art part Is lacking...

You can press down the spacebar to eat your Weapons and heal mid game!!

Hmmm you could add different enemies like one who crushes the crates, an other which is very fast.

The protègès should move a little to make them more difficult to defend.

It should have a progression system, like a time you need to survive and then a level system and so on.

Fun but not for long, needs a lot more.

It needs a lot more content to be a real game, but it's a simple concept to be expanded. Definitely fits the theme.

We can't play

Awesome concept. Good graphis, fitting the theme, but needs a reason not to just spam spawn aliens.

Cute sprites but i think they come from a pack. The is a similar concept to our one, but very underdeveloped. Surely the banana is a weird Weapon!

Really fitting the them with an amazing idea to expand further. Growing your own weapons is a fantatic system for a game, but it would need a lot of other features around it to be engaging.

Reminds me of Downwell. It's a good concept, i would have preferred an infinite well with different upgrades, but for sure i love the concept.

Cool game, good visuals. Needs powerups. The controls are weird but could be a skill issue. It's a game from the cabinet era, but it's surely interesting. I made a score of 3100. 

no!  Have fun