Oh yeah absolutely my comment was more just general information for when the game gets updated but huge huge thing to note about the test builds for sure.
Recent community posts
i feel like your suggestions will come with time, but as for your specific situation you may need to start greasing the game and setting yourself up to be busy in the first 5 or so days without touching a single satellite.
Method to get money (slight spoilers ahead)
Start the game, walk to base or debug tp with "." on numpad, collect the open trash cans around the base, 2 are directly outside the front door, 1 is in the garage, 2 are by the radio tower, and 1 is by the transformer behind the base (where the workbench is) these trash bins have their own carry weights of 300 and some change, so you can hold them in your inventory, and by proxy also store them inside of themselves (Edit: The carry capacity of the bins is around 1200, so you can store multiple bins inside of 1 if you really needed to). Use this method to gather 3 trash bins in your inventory, get on the ATV in the garage and head out of the base to the right, follow the river until you reach the tree trunk sticking out of the left side of the river bank, climb into it, remove the 50 MRES from the barrel inside, store in the 3 garbage cans, climb out, go back to base.
To get the points to sell these you can wait for servers to go down inside the base, or you can go to the bathroom attached to the bedroom/kitchen upstairs and clean the shower/sink/toilet with a bucket of water and a sponge, lots don't know that doing that and unlocking the achievement actually nets you points. The MRES by themselves will easily net you over 1 thousand dollars, and then from there you can buy trash bags and a woodchipper or whatever else to sell all the trash from inside your base.
Apologies for this long winded ass tutorial but this game is weird as shit so I feel like I have to be ultra specific. But this is essentially my method of playing every single time I start a new save, which is for basically every single version that releases at this point.
To follow up on what the others have already said here, the game version doesn't really matter unless the update is a MAJOR one. You can still load very old saves (like back before the map changed to what we know today) and it'll load fine, but static objects like transformers and such will still be in places where the old map placed them to begin with, essentially barring you from interacting with them. Of course resetting would fix your issue in this case, but resetting the map or the base removes EVERYTHING inside of it, making it how it would look if you had just started the save. Usually I just start a whole new save from scratch per update since I'm gonna have to reset and use the mailbox anyways.
I constantly see posts about the performance of this game and while it is a bit rough (especially in the base) there ARE a few fixes and things to note.
Voices Of The Void runs on Unreal Engine 4
It will NOT run on dedicated CPU graphics.
- For Gaming Laptop Users -
Ensure that the game is running under your graphics card! Downloaded games from Internet Browsers are notorious for running under dedicated CPU graphics!!
For NVIDIA Users - Open NVIDIA Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings (left sidebar), Program Settings (near the top of the tab), Click Add, Click Voices Of The Void from the list (if recently opened), if not then click Browse in the bottom right and navigate to the path of VoTV and select the exe. Next select the correct graphics processor for the game and hit Apply in the bottom right.
AMD Users unfortunately I don't have the exact fix that you may need to do, but follow the same steps to ensure that the game runs under the necessary graphics processor.
The Most Intensive Settings
(As far as I know of)
Anything lighting related, period. Shadows, Shadow Distance, Volumetric Lighting, Small Objects Shadows, etc, etc. Realistically Shadows and Shadow Distance should NEVER be maxed out unless you're pulling a solid framerate no matter what, I've heard from others than Post-Processing being turned off also helps a lot. A lot of the other settings don't actually impact performance thaaaat much. Play around with these settings and see what helps.
The Hail Mary Method
If none of the other options help, then this may do it for you.
This method takes knowledge of the computer you're using and could POSSIBLY be detrimental to it if you don't know what you're doing. So if you're up to the task then this is the method.
So what we're doing is increasing the virtual memory of our entire computer (on top of your onboard RAM) using regular Windows settings. FIRST, before anything, is recognizing how much RAM is currently on your computer, the fastest way of doing so is right clicking your Taskbar, going to Task Manager, and clicking Performance. Now whatever number is under Memory is your current amount of RAM.
Open your Settings app, go to System, and About, and Advanced System Settings, under Performance click Settings, on the Advanced tab you will see Virtual Memory, now select Change. Make sure you change the amount of Virtual Memory on your main system drive. The amount of Virtual Memory should be no less than 1.5x your onboard RAM storage, but no more than 3x, I personally set mine to 2x my RAM.
By doing this you are increasing the load on your main drive by a bit, and it may cause some weird instabilities with your system if you're not careful, it's not a foolproof method but it certainly helps, especially with overall stabilizing frame rate inside of the base. You can also change this value at any time if you're unsure of it.
This also improves performance on all Unreal Engine games, not just VoTV.
Edit: More General Fixes (Will update over time)
Cap FPS at 60, turn roach amount down to a reasonable amount.
These are all of the current fixes I know of as of right now, and these seem pretty obvious but there are a lot of posts on here that overlook some of the simpler fixes to their issues.
Integrated Graphics will always have issues running this game purely because it's made on Unreal, I constantly have issues with my system switching the graphics processor from my dedicated card to my integrated graphics all the time. But you're sure you have the most up to date version of the game currently? There was a crash a few patches back that would crash when that specific event happened without fail.
Did you have the parking brake enabled while it was in/near the base?? The physics in the game are pretty weird when you go to sleep and fast forward time, it's possible that it just caught collision somewhere and gained speed and just flew away. Same thing happens with Kerfurs but usually they clip underground/underneath the base.
Edit: You're also not even close to the day where an event occurs where that would be a possible thing that could happen (not intentionally, trust me it probably won't happen again) so I'll chalk it up to weird physics.
There are multiple spots where you can sneak your way past the fence, either through the huge opening near Yankee(?), or the main gate (jump on one of the waist high poles on the ground, then jump on the security post roof, and drop off the side) or certain corners and walls of the map that have a slight opening near the divider of the fenceposts, you can mantle over those.
Also make sure you bring the ATV keys bro I swear to god they will save you. Once you get the ATV make your way back to where you left the fencing.