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A member registered Oct 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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We just played this as a 6-player session at our Story Games Glendale meetup. I've played a few Belonging Outside Belonging games, and this was a real joy. I love that the facilitator contributions are the rooms of the house, and damn those playbooks are just well crafter as far as the moves and bonds and other components. We ran a few rounds of scenes and had a beautifully evocative and creepy and cute story, in time for this Halloween season. What a trick and treat!

Highly recommend this game. Thoroughly enjoyed it for many reasons: multi-modal communication methods, facilitator is still involved even if not the focus of play, shortish playtime, interesting use of technology for online larps, seems relatively easy to run for others.

I've run this game over a dozen times, as a pack of wolves trying to join a pack; refugees from an asteroid impact; bikers joining a ballet school; kids seeking to enter a magic school; magical familiars. Even aliens applying to join the postal service just prior to playing Space Post (by Jason Morningstar).

The game allows for a variety of tones from gonzo silly to super serious. It has a variety of modes so the group can work competitively (with only one, or maybe everyone BUT one person getting into the community) or collaboratively, where it's all or none. It features a very simple voting mechanic at games end, followed by epilogues to complete the game play with a satisfying end narrative. I've played in all these fashions, and have thoroughly enjoyed every single games, with a few of them being some of my favorite games of the last year.

I highly recommend this game for players of all experience levels, from hardcore story gamer, to complete newbie.