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Text Sharp

A member registered Feb 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Watch out, or you get a Dorito in your back.

I wish I had the source code. lost it a long time ago, years before I uploaded it to itch

Yes, I would've loved to add features like the one you mentioned if not for the game jam's duration being one hour. I appreciate the feedback but what do you mean by "We would love to check more such awesome concepts ahead of time"?

We have been successfully running the game on Quest 1 and 2 without issues. Have you tried rebooting your quest, reinstalling the game, and updating your Quest's OS?

(2 edits)
Love the visual style but on wide monitors, the settings are visible from the main menu.

loved it!

I really like the philosophical ideas that are present in the game. It's a lite short, but the effects and music are nice and there is a nice mix of quotes. just add an end screen with credits and court out the music. I think that would complete it.

What do you mean? 

(1 edit)

the light braking looks weird... looks like a broken trail effect.

I'm not allowed to download it because it says it contains a virus. it gets auto-deleted after installation. please fix.