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A member registered Jul 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Vad tror du hard betyder?

Det hade ju varit bra om alla fungerade bara

Tack nils

It is fixed now. Would be really nice of you to try the game and say what you think.

Hi. I have now fixed the files. Would be awesome if you played the game and gave me some feedback. It sucks that I messed up with the files but it was my first game jam and I guess you learn by your mistakes.

Hi again! I have now fixed the problem and you should be able to download the game. Would really appreciate if you played it and gave me some feedback.

Great game! Really enjoying the vibe, the music and the concept, but maybe you should tweak the controls a little. Otherwise a really cool little game. 

Hands down one of the best games i´ve played yet in this jam. Good job!

(1 edit)

Very cool. One of the best games i have yet!

Great game. The only problem i have is that the rewind is pretty wierd.